JudasIscariot: If you are looking for something along the lines of God of War, then you can't go wrong with Dante's Inferno...just make sure to leave your literary opinions at the door and you'll be fine.
He said he wants it for PC, and Dantes Inferno was not released on PC.
The ones i can suggest are
Ninja Blade
Chaos Legion
I have to warn you that Prototype has some compability issues on some PCs, even though its kind of a recent game. Check the steam forums if you plan on getting that one. If i recall correctly, the game doesnt work if you got hyper threading turned on in your CPU. Activision closed the studio that made the first Prototype and a patch to fix this issue never came.
Chaos Legion is a port of a PS2 game, and its kind of old. I played it a very long time ago, so i really dont know how compability with modern PCs is for this one. By the way, i think itll be almost impossible to find a cheap copy of this game.