I can relate to you guys as well.
Though my situation isn't as bad as others, (I guess I got lucky with a best friend I can share everything with), I do share similar traits.
I myself, by nature, am a feeling person. I can't help it. I get lonely. I pester my family all the time with stuff I don't have anyone appropriate onhand to share with.
I'm shy, but I love to talk.
Once people get to know me, they know how much a fun and interesting person I can be!
(There are not many people with a Arcade machine in their house you know! XD)
Its hard. Very hard, to motivate oneself to get out and about.
Sure I can go for a walk or to town, but despite living in the same town since I was born, and went to schools that were local, I never really clicked with anyone local.
Just never met a gamer I could just pop over and see.
Uni didn't really help much.
The commute was time consuming (about 2-3 hour bus journey there and back), and I could never get close to anyone by technicality since, I always had to get home early or not be able to get back at all.
But it was more than that. I just never truly connected with anyone.
Sure I was friendly to people, and worked well in group (well getting into a group was always troublesome, since I'm too afriad to just go to people and ask to join them (irrational I know, but I'm just not good with approaching people, especially groups!), but no-one shared any interests I had.
I knew the stuff they knew mostly so I could hold their conversations, but whenever I said stuff about my "world" as it were, people just didn't comprehend at all.
Essentially I was speaking an alien language! XD
I can't trust people, I can't take the initiative.
People have to work hard and be persistant for me to open up to them.
(Its mostly rooted in bullying. Years and years of it as a child growing up into an adult. I try to hide myself away from people out of fear of mockery and judgement. Only in "safe" situations do most people see the real me)
I definately wasn't ready for uni. I'm still not. A large part of learning and develop at uni is social, and I've struggled so hard on my own.
I'm pretty chaotic by nature, I'm not a book heavy person (I can't even get through a single chapter in a text book without feeling sleepy zzzz...), with folders and folders of notes.
I could never get my head around it all.
Every assignment was a disorganised scramble and it proved too much for me.
Its infuriating, being really clever, but not being able to get it onto paper properly.
Every attempt at improving my writing techniques proved unfruitful, I always do the same thing.
(I can't regurgitate a whole essay onto paper like some people can do -_- I always get confused and have a jumbled incomplete plan, which then in turn, leads to a barebones essay that gives me a pass if I'm lucky x_x )
I'm trying not to worry so much about failure, (another thing that causes me to be inactive. My fear of failure and rejection. Blah!...).
I know my family have my back if I do screw things up, but a part of me still think they will secretly hate or be embarassed at me if I never finish uni.
(Which is a load of bullcrap, even moreso when Uni degrees are barely worth the paper printed on these days since so many people have them.... (employers like EXPERIENCED people with degrees, but only having a degree without experience basically doesn't give an employer much to go on compared to other applicants. Yeah. I researched all this as part of an assigment (which I didn't finish since my discoveries put me off doing it compeltely!))
As you can see, self-reflection and self-loathing are very strong aspects of myself.
I know I need to motivate myself to confront fears, and dismiss bad thoughts, and I am trying very hard to implement that, but its a constant battle.
I mean, I wanted to go to the docs and get reffered to a professional to talk about my problems, (a PROPER proffesional, child psychiatrists be dammned! (sorry, I had bad experiences with crappy school therapists who didn't care to really deal with my problems, just to try to patch me up to do schoolwork)), but honestly? I've been to afriad to go.
I keep coming up with excuses and distractions to stop myself.
e.g. being afriad I'm wasting my time, being afriad of something worse, go play X, or help out Y to do Z ect.
Its something to work up to I think.
EDIT: Oh and just quickly, another thing thats causing my problems with Uni.
- conflict of interest.
You see, I'm doing a Management degree.
I was too afraid to do something I didn't do as an A level.
(I did averagely at Business, English Literature, and Biology. I went for the one that would most likely get me a "good job" <- Oh what a fool I was!)
But my real passion in life, is video games.
Yeah, yeah, cliche on this forum I know, but its my main passion in life.
I like business, but to be honest, I'd rather tinker with technology or design video games than play business man.
(I just got in a Raspberry Pi, and I've been tinkering with that over the past few days instead( of working on deffered assignments.< one of many examples of this conflict being disruptive!)
But getting into the industry is hard, so I went for an easier path.
(Which ironically was probably harder, since I just don't have the passion for business anymore!)
I never made the push to be an indie dev, due to doubts of my own abilities.
I'm not an artist, I'm not a coder. I'm definately not a musician (my poor guitar is gathering dust on the other side of the room!)
I know that with time and effort, I probably could make something good, but I doubted that it wouldn't be enough.
I didn't want to sponge of people, especially those I cared about.
As a kid, I never got close to finishing a project at all. So those failures weighed in on my mind.
I still had ideas though. Nagging at me. Forcing me to put them onto paper and text files.
All over the house, there are little scraps of stuff lying around, and what isn't on paper is glued into the back of my mind.
I have vision, direction, but again organisation is not strong.
I felt guilty that I didn't have time for games, I felt guilty that I didn't organise enough time for uni work.
And I'm still like that. Too afriad to go either way. Linger in mediocrity to avoid failure on either side.
A part of me wants to keep trying with uni, another wants me to just give it all up and go for my dreams.
Another part just wants mommy and daddy to stop fighting! :p
Yup. Messed up, but dealing with social anxiety is the key to dealing with all of it. I know that now.
Post edited June 01, 2012 by RetroVortex