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Dear Santa,

The year has turned again, and it's that time: a time when everyone runs through their mental lists to see if they've been nicer than naughty and wonders what you'll bring them on the morrow. It's time for us to reflect on what we've done in the last year, what we wanted to do, and what we hope you'll bring us to help succeed next year as well.

The year has been pretty good to us, Santa, and we'd like to think that's part of you fulfilling our wish for last year--we've added over 250 Mac games to the catalog, more than 120 Indie games are now on GOG since we launched our "Bigger, Fresher, Newer" campaign last year, and we celebrated a 500 games in our catalog in January of this year. We've since gone on to a total catalog of [url=]674 games at the end of 2013--that's a long way since 2012!

We added some top games to our catalog this year, classics like Leisure Suit Larry, Neverwinter Nights 2, , [url=]System Shock 2, Wizardry 6 & 7, and Wizardry 8, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, and we even finished off the Wing Commander series. We've seen some fantastic indies showing up on as well, from Divinity: Dragon Commander and Expeditions: Conquistador to Papers, Please and , we've been adding new games to the catalog that we're sure will be looked at as future gems in the years to come. We've asked questions about what our users think should be, we've produced--and ended--a regular episodic show about what has released each week, we've fulfilled [url=]hundreds of thousands of wishlist votes, gone to tradeshows in [url=]and the US, launched a new program to help indies get on, had [url=]of [url=]all [url=]the , [url=]celebrated our fifth birthday for a whole month, and generally had a grand old time.

Recently, we've experimented with some new things for we ran a charity fundraiser which (spoiler alert!) has raised tons of money for children, the poor, and wildlife all around the world; we teamed up with PC Gamer and Larian and gave away 3d-printed statues of dragons from Dragon Commander; we ran a pixel-art competition and were blown away by the great entries we received; we ran an Insomnia promo whereby we discovered the Internet's love for Jack Keane; we launched a guarantee where we promise that any game you buy from us will work; and we gave away all three of the original Fallout games to say goodbye to one of the greatest franchises in the history of gaming as it leaves our catalog. We also discovered that apparently the entire Internet wanted free copies of Fallout, because man did our servers ever struggle for the first few hours of that giveaway! We've welcomed back old friends and made uncountable scores of new ones over the last year here, and the craziest thing is that--for the fifth year running--this is the best year yet for With 63 employees from all over the world, millions and millions of customers and visitors each month, hundreds of new games, and limitless potential for the next year, Santa, we believe that trend will continue in 2014 with your help.

Which brings us to what we'd like to see in our Yule stocking. Last year we wished for LucasArts or Take Two to join, and we really thought that we'd have enough good luck to make it happen. The business world can be slower than we'd like, but we still hope and dream of adding great games from one of those classic companies--or others!--to our classic games catalog in 2014. The rest of our wishes, we worked hard and succeeded at this year, but they're also still something that we want to continue to work on in 2014. Of course we want to release more great games--games like Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Carmageddon: Reincarnation--and others that we haven't even heard of yet. We want to see our indie program grow and expand well beyond its current scope because we've seen so many good games come our way through there but we know we're missing out on others that haven't found us yet. We want to launch audacious new features on that will make us bigger, better, and more fun for our gamers. We want to look beyond the obvious and grow in new and unexpected ways to bring the DRM-Free Revolution to gamers who've never heard of us or who don't know about DRM. We defined our goal as a company for 2014 year simply: to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.

So help us with that, Santa, and we're confident that we will continue to surprise, delight, amaze, astound, and impress gamers all around the globe; we'll continue to grow; and we'll continue to do everything that makes a different (and dare we say "better"?) place for gamers. We never ask you for easy things, Santa, because we don't ask ourselves for easy things. We want to drive ourselves to make big changes, and we hope we'll be able to do so in 2014.

Happy Holidays to all of you who read this, and we hope that all of your wishes come true for 2014.
ThoRn: *snip*
Er, a fair number of things I'd distance myself from in your post. Primarily starting with "And then they complain when women get raped? Porn doesn't create rapists. Restriction from porn does."
Pardon? There's precisely a single person to blame in case of rape, and that's the rapist, irrelevant of anything else.

Also edging away from the attitude emanating from the next paragraph (though in principle there's plenty said right as well).

I just took it as someone (in this case, you) logging a wish for more (in this case, any) of a game type to be added and others very oddly being against. I mean, how many would start going "oh no, can't have that on GOG, it'll be bad" if somebody'd have asked for, say, more games with a postapocalyptic setting, or business sims, or whatever else? But taking a rant where you just did isn't helping your cause.

I'd be more interested in finding a few titles of games that are actually fairly decent games overall that just happen to have a major explicit sexual component and offering them as examples of what may be added... And actually did start a thread on the MobyGames forum asking just that. So far the suggestions were Cobra Mission, Night Slave, and [url=]Katawa Shoujo. Wouldn't personally know anything about them (nor care to), but it'd be a starting point if you're trying to get somewhere here.
ThoRn: *snip*
Cavalary: Er, a fair number of things I'd distance myself from in your post. Primarily starting with "And then they complain when women get raped? Porn doesn't create rapists. Restriction from porn does."
Pardon? There's precisely a single person to blame in case of rape, and that's the rapist, irrelevant of anything else.

Also edging away from the attitude emanating from the next paragraph (though in principle there's plenty said right as well).

I just took it as someone (in this case, you) logging a wish for more (in this case, any) of a game type to be added and others very oddly being against. I mean, how many would start going "oh no, can't have that on GOG, it'll be bad" if somebody'd have asked for, say, more games with a postapocalyptic setting, or business sims, or whatever else? But taking a rant where you just did isn't helping your cause.

I'd be more interested in finding a few titles of games that are actually fairly decent games overall that just happen to have a major explicit sexual component and offering them as examples of what may be added... And actually did start a thread on the MobyGames forum asking just that. So far the suggestions were Cobra Mission, Night Slave, and [url=]Katawa Shoujo. Wouldn't personally know anything about them (nor care to), but it'd be a starting point if you're trying to get somewhere here.
Well, I'm not going to beg! LOL! I'm also not trying to make friends or claim my idea is the best. I just think it would help bring more attention to GOG and more money overall. If things remain the way they are I fear GOG will eventually hit a roadblock as there's only so many old games that are worthy of being put here and there's only so many companies willing to work with GOG to put their old stuff on here. Eventually GOG is going to run out of stuff to sell and most games will have been purchased, pirated, and nobody will be interested in what GOG has to offer anymore and will look towards Steam to provide something new. Gog is going to have to get companies willing to put their products on here DRM-free and for a competitive price and that's hard to do. I'd shell out some extra coin to have a DRM-free anything compared to something that requires DRM so I think GOG has some room to charge a little more for DRM-free, and most likely would have to with any company putting something new out they don't want pirated. So those companies would most likely charge a premium to make up for some of their loss due to the pirates.

Anyways, GOG has room to grow and I don't see anything wrong with porn, sex, or nudity. I think people are overly sensitive these days about it and that's a shame. Life is too short to really give a damn.

Oh, and I never said rapists aren't solely responsible for their crimes. But I was getting at what can be done to prevent such crimes in the future. A world that's restrictive to men in obtaining sexual release would become a nightmare for women. It's been proven time and time again. They banned alcohol in the US during prohibition and that just led to tons of it pouring. They restrict drugs in most states and it's become a huge epidemic. The sooner people realize that the more restrictive we make the world the worse it is the better this world will become. As long as nobody is physically harming others I got no problem with much of anything. But how do we go about getting people to stop harming others? We have to compromise and make things in life less restrictive. Remember, live and let live. You don't have to like it, you don't have to do it, but don't knock on others for liking it or doing it. Chances are there are things you do that many would be repulsed by. Maybe you're a habitual nose picker who eats their boogers? Maybe you scratch and sniff your own bum to smell yourself? Who knows? Only you do, but I'm sure you'd hate it if I said, stop doing that and no you can't do it anymore when it's your favorite thing to do.

The US has really got a problem with restriction. I don't honestly see how it can claim to be the freest nation in the world when it's imprisons more people than any other country in the world? Obviously we're not that free here in the US. People are punishment happy here. They want people to pay and pay severely for breaking any crime. Even speeding tickets are extremely expensive. But people don't seem to realize the cost to themselves by demanding more and more restriction and how it hurts themselves. After 9/11 people wanted more security at airports and then they got the TSA fondling them and throwing their breast milk in the trash. It might be poison after all. Can't have it. Ridiculous.

Take this example for instance. A man without a job is hungry. He goes into a supermarket and steals a gallon of milk and a candy bar. The total cost of the theft = $5. But people want that man to pay and pay severely for it. He's a criminal after all and most be made an example of. The cops are called and just them showing up has already cost over $500 in gas and man hours to deal with this mega criminal who stole a gallon of milk and a chocolate bar. The tax payers (the ones that want this man to pay for his crime) have to eat this cost. He goes to jail and is given a warm place to sleep and 3 meals a day that comes to a total of $20 dollars a day. And lets throw in the costs of having guards make sure this super criminal does not escape. They get a salary of about $30,000 per year and often get over time as well. All this is coming to a very huge expense for the tax payer. We're close to $100,000 already in just the first week while this mega criminal awaits for his court appointed lawyer to represent him. Now we're at $500,000 or more. He goes to trial and is found guilty by a jury of his peers (the also get paid to decide his guilt during his trial). His lawyer is fighting fiercely for his client to remain a free man. It's already costs the tax payers close to a $million already for a $5 theft. If he goes to prison for a year it's going to be VERY expensive. Your average inmate costs $45,000 per year to house. That's more than most people make working a job on the outside. All this so this vengeful nation can make an example of this man for his petty crime. But the jokes on the tax payer when you think about it.

In other words, we need to lighten the hell up and I mean a lot. The only people who should be locked away are those who are a physical danger to themselves and others and that's it. Everyone else should be let go. I'd much rather pay for that man's $5 theft than some $million bill to house him in a jail for a year. All these people who are happy that unemployment has ended for millions in America are about to find out that's not such a good thing. The average unemployment cost per person was a little over $1100 per month. But many of these people are going to result to stealing food and clothes for themselves and end up in jail for it and it's going to cost the tax payers even more to make examples of these people. it's supposed to deter crime but it's never deterred crime because desperate people are going to do desperate things to survive. Again, people need to lighten the hell up.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by ThoRn
ThoRn: I can understand that GOG which stands for "Good old games" and porn games doesn't exactly match and would seem out of place here. But they could create another site (a sister site) that does offer adult content and use the funds from that to increase their offerings on this site. And they could add a link to the main page of this site that goes to that sister site and vice versa.
What the sister site could be, perhaps GSG (Gog's Sexy Games, Good Sexy Games), GPG (Gog's Porn Games), GSS (Gog's Sister Site, Great Sexy Sims), LGFG? (Lewd Games For Geeks), I'm sure there's plenty of options. So long as appropriate local laws in all countries in question are honored it should be fine.

I agree with your post, as most people aren't aware what pressure people are under when they can't get any stress relief regardless it's source.

ThoRn: Anyways, GOG has room to grow and I don't see anything wrong with porn, sex, or nudity. I think people are overly sensitive these days about it and that's a shame. Life is too short to really give a damn.


The sooner people realize that the more restrictive we make the world the worse it is the better this world will become.


The US has really got a problem with restriction. I don't honestly see how it can claim to be the freest nation in the world when it's imprisons more people than any other country in the world? Obviously we're not that free here in the US. People are punishment happy here. They want people to pay and pay severely for breaking any crime. Even speeding tickets are extremely expensive. But people don't seem to realize the cost to themselves by demanding more and more restriction and how it hurts themselves. After 9/11 people wanted more security at airports and then they got the TSA fondling them and throwing their breast milk in the trash. It might be poison after all. Can't have it. Ridiculous.


It's supposed to deter crime but it's never deterred crime because desperate people are going to do desperate things to survive. Again, people need to light the hell up.
Catch-22, and the corporate world as it stands. Good example of how things escalate. Not disputing anything you said, more commenting and adding to them.

Let's not forget in the end we are animals, mammals. All the higher thinking and degrees and everything else that makes us 'civilized' goes out the window when you get hungry enough, sick enough, f***ed up enough, mistreated, stressed, ect.

Would you eat grasshoppers? Eww right?

How about if you haven't eaten in two days and you aren't near easy access to food? Suddenly the 'eww' is replaced by biological needs and you don't consider those things anymore, you eat and act as needed to survive and damn the 'civilized' consequences that are drilled into your head via media, commercial brainwashing and views of your peers.
ThoRn: I can understand that GOG which stands for "Good old games" and porn games doesn't exactly match and would seem out of place here. But they could create another site (a sister site) that does offer adult content and use the funds from that to increase their offerings on this site. And they could add a link to the main page of this site that goes to that sister site and vice versa.
rtcvb32: What the sister site could be, perhaps GSG (Gog's Sexy Games, Good Sexy Games), GPG (Gog's Porn Games), GSS (Gog's Sister Site, Great Sexy Sims), LGFG? (Lewd Games For Geeks), I'm sure there's plenty of options. So long as appropriate local laws in all countries in question are honored it should be fine.

I agree with your post, as most people aren't aware what pressure people are under when they can't get any stress relief regardless it's source.

Lewd Games For Geeks


What's also good is that indie porn developers could develop for GOG's adult sister site. It's hard for many porn game developers to find a place where they can sell their stuff. So who knows what kind of awesome adult games could be developed? And nothing has to be strictly 100% porn. It could a detective game where you're hunting down a killer and there's some porn elements in the game where you get to bed down certain foxy witnesses or something go into strip clubs and get lap dances or BJs in a free roam type of world. Like an adult police quest game but open world. I'd love to see something like that. I'm not really interested in 100% straight up porn or tentacle sex but I don't why it shouldn't be available.

And another note, the adult sister site wouldn't have to be DRM-free as that's a feature on GOG and not the sister site. As long as Steam doesn't offer porn games on their site then GOG could tap into that market and offer porn games on an adult sister site with games that are offered DRM-free and not - but at least their available. While I prefer DRM-free, I just be happy to see adult games located somewhere for purchase. Perhaps GOG could offer the game DRM-free for a premium cost and a version with DRM for a lower cost where the user chooses? Like how Vudu offers SD, HD, and HDX versions of movies on their site for digital purchase.
ThoRn: Lewd Games For Geeks

Glad you liked that.

ThoRn: What's also good is that indie porn developers could develop for GOG's adult sister site. It's hard for many porn game developers to find a place where they can sell their stuff. So who knows what kind of awesome adult games could be developed? And nothing has to be strictly 100% porn. It could a detective game where you're hunting down a killer and there's some porn elements in the game where you get to bed down certain foxy witnesses or something go into strip clubs and get lap dances or BJs in a free roam type of world. Like an adult police quest game but open world. I'd love to see something like that. I'm not really interested in 100% straight up porn or tentacle sex but I don't why it shouldn't be available.

And another note, the adult sister site wouldn't have to be DRM-free as that's a feature on GOG and not the sister site. As long as Steam doesn't offer porn games on their site then GOG...
You had a good start on that, but the last part I disagree with and I think that's a bad idea. A big thing that brings people to GOG is not having to worry about crappy DRM, adding DRM for half their site doesn't make them any better than another site. Besides, piracy that people partake in (because we all love to attack ships afterall, right?) isn't going to be stopped by DRM, unless you go always-online and it's safe to say certain examples (Like EA and SimCity, Blizzard and D3/SC2 which I will never buy even if they change their DRM on it) didn't turn out too well. I've honestly downloaded/borrowed games I didn't own (I was younger and didn't have money then) but I've since bought every single one of those games, plus a few dozen more I've yet to touch. If GOG's sister site has DRM then it can only be a pain in the butt for everyone else, plus they wouldn't be following their motto, they'd be flip-floppers like the government. 'We're going against tobacco since it's bad for everyone's health, etc', 'here's money so you can grow more tobacco'.
ThoRn: Anyways, GOG has room to grow and I don't see anything wrong with porn, sex, or nudity. I think people are overly sensitive these days about it and that's a shame. Life is too short to really give a damn.


The sooner people realize that the more restrictive we make the world the worse it is the better this world will become.


The US has really got a problem with restriction. I don't honestly see how it can claim to be the freest nation in the world when it's imprisons more people than any other country in the world? Obviously we're not that free here in the US. People are punishment happy here. They want people to pay and pay severely for breaking any crime. Even speeding tickets are extremely expensive. But people don't seem to realize the cost to themselves by demanding more and more restriction and how it hurts themselves. After 9/11 people wanted more security at airports and then they got the TSA fondling them and throwing their breast milk in the trash. It might be poison after all. Can't have it. Ridiculous.


It's supposed to deter crime but it's never deterred crime because desperate people are going to do desperate things to survive. Again, people need to light the hell up.
rtcvb32: Catch-22, and the corporate world as it stands. Good example of how things escalate. Not disputing anything you said, more commenting and adding to them.

Let's not forget in the end we are animals, mammals. All the higher thinking and degrees and everything else that makes us 'civilized' goes out the window when you get hungry enough, sick enough, f***ed up enough, mistreated, stressed, ect.

Would you eat grasshoppers? Eww right?

How about if you haven't eaten in two days and you aren't near easy access to food? Suddenly the 'eww' is replaced by biological needs and you don't consider those things anymore, you eat and act as needed to survive and damn the 'civilized' consequences that are drilled into your head via media, commercial brainwashing and views of your peers.
Exactly. All civilization to me is nothing more than an act. We all have to pretend to concur with each other on how to behave and agree with what's right and what's wrong. It's all controlled by the super elites (the ones with the most money and power in the world) who want to control everyone lesser than themselves into following some standard they've established for us because they wouldn't have their power or money if people acted on their own.

Now I agree that we can't have people going around killing each other but I do think we are repressing our animal nature in many ways by pretending to be something more than we really are. But until people get fed up with "walking the line" that the rich and powerful force us to walk then we're always going to be a bunch of sheeple living the life THEY want us to live.
ThoRn: Lewd Games For Geeks

rtcvb32: Glad you liked that.

ThoRn: What's also good is that indie porn developers could develop for GOG's adult sister site. It's hard for many porn game developers to find a place where they can sell their stuff. So who knows what kind of awesome adult games could be developed? And nothing has to be strictly 100% porn. It could a detective game where you're hunting down a killer and there's some porn elements in the game where you get to bed down certain foxy witnesses or something go into strip clubs and get lap dances or BJs in a free roam type of world. Like an adult police quest game but open world. I'd love to see something like that. I'm not really interested in 100% straight up porn or tentacle sex but I don't why it shouldn't be available.

And another note, the adult sister site wouldn't have to be DRM-free as that's a feature on GOG and not the sister site. As long as Steam doesn't offer porn games on their site then GOG...
rtcvb32: You had a good start on that, but the last part I disagree with and I think that's a bad idea. A big thing that brings people to GOG is not having to worry about crappy DRM, adding DRM for half their site doesn't make them any better than another site. Besides, piracy that people partake in (because we all love to attack ships afterall, right?) isn't going to be stopped by DRM, unless you go always-online and it's safe to say certain examples (Like EA and SimCity, Blizzard and D3/SC2 which I will never buy even if they change their DRM on it) didn't turn out too well. I've honestly downloaded/borrowed games I didn't own (I was younger and didn't have money then) but I've since bought every single one of those games, plus a few dozen more I've yet to touch. If GOG's sister site has DRM then it can only be a pain in the butt for everyone else, plus they wouldn't be following their motto, they'd be flip-floppers like the government. 'We're going against tobacco since it's bad for everyone's health, etc', 'here's money so you can grow more tobacco'.
They wouldn't be flip flopping if they offered two flavors (DRM-Free) and (DRM) for the same titles. One might cost a premium over the other but at least there's choice there. It could bring more titles to GOG as some developers might want a premium for newer titles offered DRM-free. That's understandable and worth it to me. But if someone wants to play the game and can't afford to own the game DRM free, then they can get the same game with DRM included for a cheaper cost. I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas around.
ThoRn: But if someone wants to play the game and can't afford to own the game DRM free, then they can get the same game with DRM included for a cheaper cost. I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas around.
Hmmm you know I could have sworn something in GOG's history commented on something like this, that a number of countries with high pirating with games (germany as an example) is because they can't afford it but they still wanted to play the game(s), so they get the pirate copy and they get it cracked so the DRM is disabled.

Feels like going backwards from what started GOG in the first place...

edit: Since quite a few people will pay for a game if it's within an acceptable price-range...
Post edited December 31, 2013 by rtcvb32
ThoRn: But if someone wants to play the game and can't afford to own the game DRM free, then they can get the same game with DRM included for a cheaper cost. I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas around.
rtcvb32: Hmmm you know I could have sworn something in GOG's history commented on something like this, that a number of countries with high pirating with games (germany as an example) is because they can't afford it but they still wanted to play the game(s), so they get the pirate copy and they get it cracked so the DRM is disabled.

Feels like going backwards from what started GOG in the first place...

edit: Since quite a few people will pay for a game if it's within an acceptable price-range...
Well, I don't know much about pirating or how bad it is overall? Obviously lots of people pay for games still and some of these companies are making huge amounts in sales. I think some of them are just greedy as hell and expect everyone to shell out $50 per game so they can get even richer. These are the sorts who want to punish people who pirate at all costs and are willing to cost themselves more and more just to ensure they have a product that can't be cracked or stolen when in reality it would be cheaper overall for them to turn a blind eye to the pirating and accept the fact that not everyone can afford to pay their ridiculous prices and will steal their products no matter what.

Instead these greedy companies just hurt themselves by paying huge amounts to have the latest DRM scheme embedded in their product thinking they will get max profits from everyone but instead lose customers overall that are sick of the invasive DRM schemes invading their games. It's a damned if you, damned if you don't situation for these companies but I think they are better off avoiding DRM overall and just accepting a certain level of theft. I know I gave up on UBIsoft after their whole Starforce crusade. What a nightmare that was! Then Tages was another DRM scheme used that just about ruined my computer system at the time. I think I did a full format of my hard drive to get rid of Tages off my system years ago. It acted almost like a virus on my system from what I recall.

Overall I think piracy is a small issue and nothing for these companies to get their panties in a wad over. I think most people buy games versus pirate them if they are affordable. I'm sure pirated games come with huge risks for viruses and other nasty's that can compromise your system. So if the risks outweigh the reward then I think most will be deterred from pirating if they can get a legitimate copy for a reasonable price instead. There's a fine balance that a gaming company like GOG has to meet to find the sweet spot where it's profitable for them and reasonable to the customer and I think GOG has done a pretty good job in this regard overall. I do feel that some of their games are a bit overpriced however. And I'm not talking the newer ones either. Some of the really old games are still way too high for what they're really worth. I've seen some on here selling for nearly $10 when they're really worth $2.50 - $5 tops.

I think GOG overprices some of these older games that are just popular overall. Makes me wonder if giving high ratings for games works against us on here? For instance, if lots of people give a game a 5 star rating then GOG might use that games popularity to raise the cost for that game. If that's the case then it would work out better for everyone to give games lower scores so GOG doesn't jack up their prices based on popularity. Which brings me to feeling that too many games on here have way too high a rating for what they really deserve. I've seen lots of games with 4 to 5 stars that really don't deserve a score that high.. I think people are giving ratings based on their excitement and happiness to play some of these older games again and not really rating the game properly. Like you can check out gamespot ratings for many of these games. Some will show a gamespot review rating of 5.0 mediocre and here on GOG the rating will be a 4.5 out of 5 because of the nostalgia factor. People didn't appreciate the game back when gamespot reviewed it back in the day and now they miss the game and give it a high rating on GOG. But when you play the game you quickly realize that gamespot was right and it's just a mediocre game.

Anyways, I've ranted enough on here. And sorry, I totally hijacked this thread. I never told Santa what I wanted either. So here I go...

Dear GOG Santa, I would like to see Grim Fandango released in Q1 of 2014 along with Hidden & Dangerous 1 and 2.

PS - The porn game idea was just an idea and not my wish. But if you have room make that idea into a reality then thanks a bunch! I'm sure it will be good all around. Cheers!
GOG Santa, bring Anno series, please. :)
high rated
ThoRn: They wouldn't be flip flopping if they offered two flavors (DRM-Free) and (DRM) for the same titles. One might cost a premium over the other but at least there's choice there. It could bring more titles to GOG as some developers might want a premium for newer titles offered DRM-free. That's understandable and worth it to me. But if someone wants to play the game and can't afford to own the game DRM free, then they can get the same game with DRM included for a cheaper cost. I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas around.
GOG's entire business model is based around embracing the concept that DRM does not stop piracy and harms consumers, so they provide DRM free games at reasonable prices and include extra goodies which often are attractive for people to opt to go with GOG's version. They've built the entire website with this philosophy, and they speak it at conferences annually to try to bring new publishers/developers on board and spread their views and mission on DRM-free gaming and trusting your customers and treating them right with good service and support and mutual respect for one another. There are hours worth of interviews and presentations from GOG executives on Youtube discussing the nitty gritty details of this including presentations on why they do what they do, and why others should embrace it as well.

Even the mere thought of selling DRM encumbered games on the website is a complete and total non-starter. Not only would it give in to DRM, it would take away half of their arguments to publishers to even consider providing their games DRM-free. Why would a company be convinced to sell DRM-free on GOG if they are of the general persuasion to use DRM on their games elsewhere and actually need to be convinced by GOG execs to even consider it right now - but they have the option of selling their game with DRM on GOG? It would destroy one of GOG's core tenets that make the very fabric of the company and it's principles and vision. It's very mission.

But what would selling DRM encumbered games in the store do to the existing GOG customer base? Well for one thing, there is an overwhelmingly large number of GOG customers who either on their own embraced DRM-free as a concept before GOG and became a customer here afterward because GOG's philosophy lined up with theirs, or who have embraced DRM-free as the way to go because of GOG's vocal stance on DRM and their close trusting relationship with their grass roots customer base. For GOG to start selling DRM encumbered games or even announce it jokingly would instantly cause a massive shockwave of distrust rippling across the entire customer base. A multitude of customers would instantly stop buying games here whether they continued to keep selling DRM-free games or not, simply because selling DRM encumbered games goes against GOG's very vocal stance on DRM and their trust bond with the community. They would be seen overnight as just another evil money grubbing corporation who is now going to give up on trusting their customers and throw in the towel and embrace DRM and restricting customer freedoms.

That's just not going to happen no matter if anyone thinks it sounds like a good idea or not. It isn't, and it would have extremely dire consequences I wager in less than 24 hours, sales would plumment and they'd have a massive negative PR out there in the press, with hordes of angry Internet armies lining up to pound them into the ground, boycott them and every other nasty thing you could think of.

Are people really so blind they can't see and understand GOG's business strategy, and how doing the exact opposite of that would destroy their business and all they've grown to and gained so far?

I can only guess that people who think such things are a good idea are perhaps just new to GOG and don't really understand what this company is about, what they've fought for, what their history is going all the way back into the 90s (the parent company), and probably haven't heard them speak at conferences or interviews.

This company isn't going to start selling DRM encumbered games even if and when hell does freeze over with flying pink polkadot elephants in the sky and unicorns with magic rainbows that poop wild cherry ice cream sundays. They're more likely to start selling cars or time share condos than DRM encumbered games.

I'm just saying... ;oP Seriously...
STALKER series pls :D
With the latest deals that's present from the games that didn't make it during the winter sale, I have my wish request.

Please revamp and update the checkout/cart system (Although it's currently functional...) to let you get multiple deals in a single checkout easier, multiple copies of game(s) for gifting, and let you buy gifted and non-gifted items in the same order.

After checkout if you have multiple games you bought as a 'gift' you could separate into smaller individual codes for give-away. Finally in case where you've bought a game and haven't downloaded it, you can convert it into a gift code.
Dear* Santa,

Please may we have the rest of these back?

* What is the correct letter form when writing to a saint, anyway?