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Dear Santa,

The year has turned again, and it's that time: a time when everyone runs through their mental lists to see if they've been nicer than naughty and wonders what you'll bring them on the morrow. It's time for us to reflect on what we've done in the last year, what we wanted to do, and what we hope you'll bring us to help succeed next year as well.

The year has been pretty good to us, Santa, and we'd like to think that's part of you fulfilling our wish for last year--we've added over 250 Mac games to the catalog, more than 120 Indie games are now on GOG since we launched our "Bigger, Fresher, Newer" campaign last year, and we celebrated a 500 games in our catalog in January of this year. We've since gone on to a total catalog of [url=]674 games at the end of 2013--that's a long way since 2012!

We added some top games to our catalog this year, classics like Leisure Suit Larry, Neverwinter Nights 2, , [url=]System Shock 2, Wizardry 6 & 7, and Wizardry 8, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, and we even finished off the Wing Commander series. We've seen some fantastic indies showing up on as well, from Divinity: Dragon Commander and Expeditions: Conquistador to Papers, Please and , we've been adding new games to the catalog that we're sure will be looked at as future gems in the years to come. We've asked questions about what our users think should be, we've produced--and ended--a regular episodic show about what has released each week, we've fulfilled [url=]hundreds of thousands of wishlist votes, gone to tradeshows in [url=]and the US, launched a new program to help indies get on, had [url=]of [url=]all [url=]the , [url=]celebrated our fifth birthday for a whole month, and generally had a grand old time.

Recently, we've experimented with some new things for we ran a charity fundraiser which (spoiler alert!) has raised tons of money for children, the poor, and wildlife all around the world; we teamed up with PC Gamer and Larian and gave away 3d-printed statues of dragons from Dragon Commander; we ran a pixel-art competition and were blown away by the great entries we received; we ran an Insomnia promo whereby we discovered the Internet's love for Jack Keane; we launched a guarantee where we promise that any game you buy from us will work; and we gave away all three of the original Fallout games to say goodbye to one of the greatest franchises in the history of gaming as it leaves our catalog. We also discovered that apparently the entire Internet wanted free copies of Fallout, because man did our servers ever struggle for the first few hours of that giveaway! We've welcomed back old friends and made uncountable scores of new ones over the last year here, and the craziest thing is that--for the fifth year running--this is the best year yet for With 63 employees from all over the world, millions and millions of customers and visitors each month, hundreds of new games, and limitless potential for the next year, Santa, we believe that trend will continue in 2014 with your help.

Which brings us to what we'd like to see in our Yule stocking. Last year we wished for LucasArts or Take Two to join, and we really thought that we'd have enough good luck to make it happen. The business world can be slower than we'd like, but we still hope and dream of adding great games from one of those classic companies--or others!--to our classic games catalog in 2014. The rest of our wishes, we worked hard and succeeded at this year, but they're also still something that we want to continue to work on in 2014. Of course we want to release more great games--games like Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Carmageddon: Reincarnation--and others that we haven't even heard of yet. We want to see our indie program grow and expand well beyond its current scope because we've seen so many good games come our way through there but we know we're missing out on others that haven't found us yet. We want to launch audacious new features on that will make us bigger, better, and more fun for our gamers. We want to look beyond the obvious and grow in new and unexpected ways to bring the DRM-Free Revolution to gamers who've never heard of us or who don't know about DRM. We defined our goal as a company for 2014 year simply: to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.

So help us with that, Santa, and we're confident that we will continue to surprise, delight, amaze, astound, and impress gamers all around the globe; we'll continue to grow; and we'll continue to do everything that makes a different (and dare we say "better"?) place for gamers. We never ask you for easy things, Santa, because we don't ask ourselves for easy things. We want to drive ourselves to make big changes, and we hope we'll be able to do so in 2014.

Happy Holidays to all of you who read this, and we hope that all of your wishes come true for 2014.
In regards to Bloodlines, I own a disc copy and a digital one from back when it was available on DotEmu, the game is well worth the $20, I dare say more so than some of the games GOG has at about that price point (and higher), and it's not like it wouldn't go on sale at 50%-75% once in a while. Completely senseless to not have it available here for a pricing reason alone.
wpegg: There was a GOG broadcast from a while back (perhaps before your time, maybe just when you joined). They stated their message was that when it came to gaming "They wanted it unprotected, and they wanted it cheap". They've sold out on the latter already, so I feel that they are now solely about DRM-Free. In that light, I'd like Bloodlines here at any price. There are already stupidly priced games here, I just don't buy them for that reason.

In the case of bloodlines I'm kind of biased though as I own a disc copy.
Almost certainly before my time, although I've seen the t-shirt, lol.

(Maybe GOG should allow the $20 price of V:B if the unofficial patch is included, depending on how important that is. [I've heard "very".])

I think to an extent they're still focused on cheap games, the majority still being 5.99 and 9.99 from what I've seen, and even some great (from the reviews) expensive games like the Telltale bundles, Trine 2, Broken Sword 5, etc.

But of course then you have the f'up of Omerta+DLC, and decent 20+ dollar titles like Dragon Commander and Democracy 3 that popped out and were lost after a week or so, lost by their expensive price (certainly not an instabuy price) and lack of exposure. I think GOG could do more to hook people up with the games that interest them, because so many get lost in the lower portions of the catalog.
wpegg: I have to say, this thread has taken a strange turn.
It started out as a joke comment, which someone then took and made into a seemingly-serious suggestion. And here we are.
tfishell: many get lost in the lower portions of the catalog.
I've been noticing that the front-page display isn't random at all, and after over a year here, I'm still discovering titles that've been on the site longer than I have and I'd never heard of them before.
tfishell: many get lost in the lower portions of the catalog.
mkell_226: I've been noticing that the front-page display isn't random at all, and after over a year here, I'm still discovering titles that've been on the site longer than I have and I'd never heard of them before.
By having the entire catalog laid out like an enormous grocery list and automatically setting the catalog to sort by "bestselling", it's more or less been ensured that many games will be forgotten. Of course, back when GOG was starting out the catalog was much smaller and thus everything could be seen reasonably easily, but not something HAS to be done if GOG wants to help unknown games see the light of day for longer than a week or so.
ThoRn: Well, let's face it. Most of us are nerds/geeks and nerds/geeks like girls, sex, and porn. Here's an end of game clip from an old game that I wish GOG would release sometime soon which sort of proves my point...

So THAT'S the original. I'd only seen a 8bit remake before now. I think I have the Summoner 2 for PS2, however I got turned off from playing it due to it feeling incomplete (some scenes were more fully animated while others weren't, plus I got lost in the first section an ended up working up 5x more money than normal...)
Lol, wow what a flashback. I saw this back in '06/'07 but had no idea of its context at the time.
HGiles: ... and probably would never recover. No more major deals with mainstream publishers - nobody would want that kind of publicity. Not to mention, piracy of GOG games would suddenly go through the roof.
mkell_226: Exactly.
Is Amazon known for 'that place that sells adult toys and hentai'? see link (Don't worry, nothing too adult.. It's actually a decent back massager), Or a movie theater as 'bad entertainment' for having an R or NC-17 rated movie? I think you're blowing it out of the water.

Of course can't forget video games have been a scape goat for years that 'video game violence is bad for our kids' the cause of youth violence and likewise (although it's been disproved). So I guess Death, decapitation, violence & destruction is bound to win over a little sexuality it seems. True they can probably hold off on those games for a while (a few years or permanently).
mkell_226: Exactly.
rtcvb32: Is Amazon known for 'that place that sells adult toys and hentai'? see link (Don't worry, nothing too adult.. It's actually a decent back massager), Or a movie theater as 'bad entertainment' for having an R or NC-17 rated movie? I think you're blowing it out of the water.

Of course can't forget video games have been a scape goat for years that 'video game violence is bad for our kids' the cause of youth violence and likewise (although it's been disproved). So I guess Death, decapitation, violence & destruction is bound to win over a little sexuality it seems. True they can probably hold off on those games for a while (a few years or permanently).
I'm with you. I think this world is way too uptight when it comes to sex, porn, and nudity while giving violence and gore a pass. It's really nonsensical when you think about it. We'll let our kids watch The Walking Dead so they can have terrible nightmares that keep them awake and afraid of the dark but we're too afraid of letting them watch Debbie please Dallas sexually and vice versa because that's just gross ya know? WTF?!
Well, let's face it. Most of us are nerds/geeks and nerds/geeks like girls, sex, and porn.
While non nerds/ geeks don't? Right.


Dear Santa,

Instead of nerd-related sex and pr0n, give the GOG coders the skills to:
-- make changes to the site without breaking stuff that worked fine before (like HTTPS), because that "site-wide re-write" statement by TET sounds scary and threatening;
-- develop and implement an actual and working forum search function that actually performs a search query when used.

And please, make them happen within Q1.

Thank you!
The debate about the difference between violence and sex in video games will probably never end, and the point is frequently brought up:

"Why are you so happy for there to be games with decapitation, limb chopping and blood but not games with sex?"

Well. Sex games are not usually proper games, they are just interactive porn- a tool to help the user get off. Even just for this reason I don't think that sex games should be on gog. I know that many sex games have plots and rpg elements and can resemble normal games but the emphasis is on the titilating material; the payoff is the static money shot or interactive sequence. A sex game is a game like a porn film is a film.

When someone is using a sex game they are in a state of sexual arousal and their goal is orgasm. They are not like a normal person just sitting playing Far Cry 3, they are essentially masturbating with a computer. Sex and masturbation are seen as very intimate, private activities. This may be linked to the primitive parts of our brain telling us we should make sure we are safe before engaging in them. For this reason, with a bit of psychology in the middle, it's normal to consider sex something that should be more hidden away and private than lopping off limbs.

Thus it is not weird that people like me think gog should not carry sex games, and to see them as seedy. Of course people do masturbate and some people need or want stimulating materials to go along with that, but as it is a very private activity it should be totally separate to all other activity, thus I don't want to have sex games on gog.
graspee: The debate about the difference between violence and sex in video games will probably never end, and the point is frequently brought up...
Yes and no, true and false. There are plenty of ways to add sexual interaction to non-sexual games. If I recall right there was a dildo you could plug into your PS2 and you could play something like a space-shooter in a relaxed erotic mood which vibrated to the music or explosions. Mind you won't see this in the US for obvious reasons...

As for the other side of it, I've seen older 'sex themed games' that had no sex in it, sex and a few lewd pictures were actually more for plot and comedy relief; A static 2-3 images is hardly enough (better to get you into the mood than get you off). Far more often I've seen porn/sex games as flash which are usually the basic 'speed 1/2/3/finish' type structure, concentrating quite often on anime or familiar animated celebrities (Zone-archive). Those I agree should not come to GoG.

All the sudden I'm reminded of years ago reading erotic stories, there's quite a few times there's a huge romantic and story buildup, then it just ended right before the sex scene. Somehow it's a bummer, but at the same time that's how sexual scenes are inserted currently into games. Remember 'Fable' for Xbox/PC? The sex scene is a really crappy audio of a girl going 'ooh' and then your statistics are updated how many males/females you had sex with.

Uggg... Now I'm hungry and annoyed...
I'm looking at this thread and just shaking my head and sighing. Seemed to me like a wish like any other and some pages later people are still tug-of-warring over it.

For someone who's as anti-censorship as I am, every message against those sort of games being here works as an incentive to ask for them too, though I'd have no interest in playing them. (Got me as far as replying to this now, didn't it?) Have no interest in playing those that focus on the gore or on rewarding violent crime, which was (again - and still oddly) the comparison made, either, but some of those are here, and it's a good thing they are.
A game's just a game, end of story. If it ends up influencing a player's "real life" behavior in ways that will cause them to do harm, the problem's the player, not the game. And either way the, er, merely masturbatory sex games (can that be a term? referring to those that don't simulate rape or who knows what else along those lines) referred to in graspee's post couldn't even be said to have any potential for influence to cause harm to others, so other than this this annoying mindset that sex is dirty, must be kept hidden, etc., which I'll definitely never get, what's the big deal?
Cavalary: I'm looking at this thread and just shaking my head and sighing. Seemed to me like a wish like any other and some pages later people are still tug-of-warring over it.

For someone who's as anti-censorship as I am, every message against those sort of games being here works as an incentive to ask for them too, though I'd have no interest in playing them. (Got me as far as replying to this now, didn't it?) Have no interest in playing those that focus on the gore or on rewarding violent crime, which was (again - and still oddly) the comparison made, either, but some of those are here, and it's a good thing they are.
A game's just a game, end of story. If it ends up influencing a player's "real life" behavior in ways that will cause them to do harm, the problem's the player, not the game. And either way the, er, merely masturbatory sex games (can that be a term? referring to those that don't simulate rape or who knows what else along those lines) referred to in graspee's post couldn't even be said to have any potential for influence to cause harm to others, so other than this this annoying mindset that sex is dirty, must be kept hidden, etc., which I'll definitely never get, what's the big deal?
Agreed. That's the whole point. It's about tapping into a market (that generally does very well on the net) and offering users a variety of games - all of which brings profits to GOG and allows them to offer even more content for everyone to enjoy.

Think about high school or college football for instance. It's so popular and brings in so much money, that money is used to pay for girl sports that would never have happened without the boys football teams making the money for them to fund their girl sport. It also pays salaries to teachers and administrators at the school and also funds various other activities and classes that interest people who may not necessarily like football or even go to the games or spend any money on games. But since most people do like football and go to the games and spend money, it allows the schools to offer more to everyone overall. The same could happen hear.

And someone mentioned earlier, "I don't want GOG to be that place were porn games are sold" or something along those lines... WHY NOT? Are there any other GOG-like quality gaming sites that do, written in English so I can understand them? I haven't seen any.

I can understand that GOG which stands for "Good old games" and porn games doesn't exactly match and would seem out of place here. But they could create another site (a sister site) that does offer adult content and use the funds from that to increase their offerings on this site. And they could add a link to the main page of this site that goes to that sister site and vice versa. And that sister site that contains the adult games could easily be secured so underage minors can't easily access it and if they do then they've violated the sites terms of use policy and the site can not be held liable by some angry mom who catches her teenage son spanking his monkey to some porn. To me, that's the whole problem with why porn is so heavily censored - angry moms. Lots of females are against and offended by male sexuality and don't understand it so they feel 2nd class and exploited and instead of them (these angry moms) accepting male sexuality they want to suppress/oppress it so they can feel respected at the cost of the freedom of the boy they want to restrict from sexual release. And then they complain when women get raped? Porn doesn't create rapists. Restriction from porn does. Or at least, that's my thoughts on it.

You see, I worked in an all male maximum security state prison for awhile and I'll never forget the day I saved a female officers life. She was offended by the porn magazines in the housing unit (probably because the girls on the covers looked better than her) and went and gathered them all up thinking she was going to teach the grown men who's in charge and how to be respectful to a woman. Yeah right! LOL! Wasn't 2 minutes after they got back to the housing unit from working their government job in the kitchen cleaning pots and pans that a riot started to kick off and they were threatening to come for her. If they couldn't get their sexual release from their magazines - they were going to take it from her butt (and possibly mine as well). 600 men on one woman, there would have been nothing left of her. So I calmed the situation down quickly by ordering her to go give it all back. And that was the end of that. Problem solved. She learned a valuable lesson that day. Officers are not there to punish the inmates. They are there to babysit them. Their punishment comes from being incarcerated and kept away from their family and friends and their freedom. A lot of female officers, and some males, seem to think it's their job to make life hell for the inmates and punish them and teach them some sort of lesson. But they quickly learn that the nature of the beast can not be stopped or restrained no matter what. Sure, the porn was contraband and technically it's not allowed. And neither are cigarettes or chew but the inmates manage to get it in the prison from dirty officers and family members who bring it to them during visitations. It can't be stopped but it can be controlled and limited. I quickly learned that it's just best to let them have what they have and keep them calm and happy vs challenge them on every little thing. As long as they are not making weapons or getting overly drunk on hooch then I just left them alone. Go looking for trouble and you're going to find it. Best to live and let live. As long as they aren't getting violent or trying to riot or break out of the prison then who really gives a flying Frisbee what they do?

Got it? Get it? Good.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by ThoRn
Porn is the genre that deserves, but not the one it needs right now.