Posted October 03, 2010

But ones that you'll see regardless of region are when games have delayed releases. At one point, you used to get access to a game at the same time as the region the game was gifted from.
Valve changed that a while ago. So now, if the game isn't released in your region yet -- and is being released in your region -- you won't get access to it until that date (even if you imported a retail copy of a Steamworks game). The most recent example of that is with Front Mission where people in parts of Europe have to wait until October 8 before the game will unlock/install.
If the game isn't being released in your region at all, it won't unlock until it's released in all regions where it's being sold. This most notably happened with Dragon Age Origins where support were assuring people who had the game gifted from (or who had purchased the game in) the US that it would unlock even in Japan at the same time it did for the US.
It didn't. Support then started offering refunds and removing the game from affected accounts only for it to then unlock a few days later follow it's release in the UK (which was the last region for the game to be unlocked in).
As for retail restrictions, these are mainly seen in Russia, Thailand and Hong Kong where retail versions of Valve games (and others) cannot be played outside of their respective regions even once activated on Steam.
So far, Japan has not been that unfortunate. We just tend to need access to US based VPN in order to install the few IP restricted games. The most notable of those being MW2 (and it's possible, but not confirmed) that such IP blocking may have been dumped after all the backlash and problems it caused -- Valve for example, having to then issue Military specific keys so troops based in Okinawa, etc., could install/activate the game off base.
It also didn't stop the rest of us in Japan activating the game (a lot of the importers simply provided access to VPNs in the end for activation for those who couldn't find one themselves).
So in short, it's a bloody mess.

But it's entirely possible they stopped doing that. I simply resort to having friends in other parts of world gift games when they aren't available here now. It tends to work *if* you wait until after release, but for pre-orders, it's always a gamble.
Post edited October 03, 2010 by bansama