Master911: i remember seeing the GoG Version of Fallout 1+2 on another site as an Illegal Download - some user were championing for GoG in that you should buy it (Which you Should)
That might have been me - I am a member of several torrent sites, due to the fact that I use them to release mods -I'm not able to afford my own website at the moment-, and always try to get GoD torrents closed. So far I've only seen three - and two of those are now dead due to community outrage, with the third dying. Some quotes include:
"You know, I would normally support such a torrent, seeing as Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are two of the best games ever made, but GoG re
ally should be supported."
As much as I love torrents of old games, the GoG versions of games should be left be as purchase only. The whole point of torrenting good old games is that there is no manner to purchase them -- well now the aptly named GoG folks offer us these games, at fantastic prices, with performance tweaks so they operate on new OSes."
"I agree with [Username] on this one. If you find yourself actually enjoying these,
please buy them from - the site sells them at an extremely low price (less than a meal at a fast food joint) and has updated them to make them easy to run in Windows."