hedwards: I thought that you've been to the US. Trust me, sex crimes against men are not considered to be particularly serious here. The attitude around here has started to change and we have started to prosecute more and more women for engaging in sex with boys, but it's going to be a long time before men can be considered as valued in society as women are.
Calling it an argument is being overly generous. This is the same sexist tripe that has led men in America to be treated as second class citizens. If we're lucky, good luck if you're not Christian, straight or white.
I sincerely do not know much about the position of men in america, but it doesn't surprise me that you have less rights as far as domestic violence and sex crimes go. I don't know why but compared to european countries, things usually seem to reach really extreme levels there. Possibly because of the extremely stressing lifestyle. Anyway, it is not entirely fair to call men second class citizens as opposed to women. Because as much as women might have more rights when it comes to things you mentioned, they are regarded as second class citizens when it comes to other things like jobs and science. Speaking about Europe, I don't know any female who went to a phd program that wasn't looked down upon at first and that didn't need to spend an awful lot of time proving herself. Especially if they were in presumably male disciplines. Judging by what I've read and heard from a female african american friend (who is an engineering major), things are no different in america. For example female computer scientists with the same level of knowledge or experience as their male counterparts earn approximately 20000$ less. The fact that there are still all female colleges and that girls are encouraged to enroll them because they often get discriminated at co-ed ones doesn't really sound all that encouraging. I also remember reading how an ex-dean of harvard (I think it was harvard, but not sure) stated that females are naturally inferior in math than males. I'm not saying it's like that in every company , college or state, but it's there, more often than it should be. So it works both ways, just differently.
Also I'm not exactly sure how the whole story with feminism and domestic violence developed in america (doesn't really interest me either), but I wouldn't blame feminists COMPLETELY. I'm not saying they're not at fault. But I would blame it on traditional stereotypes too, and america does seem to be quite "traditional" with all the censoring, conservativeness and so on. I also wouldn't be surprised if many men had a hard time admitting that a female did something of the sort to them, because it would make them lose their "face". Again I don't mean EVERY man, but there are men who feel that they have to live up to the "strong macho badass" stereotype due to peer pressure.
As far as sex crimes with boys go, I do not know why it is so. I guess because traditionally men have been considered to be far more sexual than women. I don't think it has to do with "being valued". But I don't know. I haven't dabbled in it really. I'm mostly interested in the academia and presumably male jobs, because that's what is important to me.
As for men being considered valueless, especially poor men, I seriously doubt that has to do with feminism. The only things that come to my mind are soldiers, war, ability to support a family. If I'm wrong I take that back.
And as for the media, I liked this, there is much truth to it
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VeCjm1UO4M&feature=related I don't agree with all the women vs tropes videos(haven't watched others), especially the one with the comics. They're made by males and generally aimed at males (in spite of girls loving them too) so it comes as no surprise. Just as I can't really blame the gaming industry for catering to guys more.
orcishgamer: We like to associate ourselves with idealized sexual images, it's a deep part of our psyche, for obvious reasons. You ever wonder why women do more cosplay? More women can nearly look the part of most anime/video game women than men could ever hope to match with regards to their male counterparts (seriously, how many dudes can pull off Duke Nukem or nearly any adult, male video game hero for that matter?).
And yet we love these characters, Jane McGonigal's states her study showed people acted more outgoing all day long after playing a powerful avatar in a game for just 90 seconds. These avatars are the Conans and the Lara Crofts.
So is it society and the media pushing it, or reacting to it? I'm honestly asking, I'm not aware that we've tried to find a satisfactory answer.
Duh is Duke Nukem seriously an idealized *sexual* image??? I mean that's how guys imagine the ideal male body??? (I'm serious ^^;)
Truth is, Lara Croft can be just as powerful with smaller boobs. Actually I'd say she'd need more muscles if we want to be realistic. But anyway, it has nothing to do with the avatar per se, but with the notion of power. Power makes you feel good. And being successful.
OT, in that old thread about playboy and feminism, I remember someone saying how girls can't complain about game heroes because they get to look at guys in pants all the time. Sorry but those are the kind of men that men like, women not much (or I at least). The kind that women like, guys usually hate :P
Back to the post, so why can more women nearly look the part of most anime/video games women? If gender roles were reversed more men would be able to pull off the male video game hero. There is a subsaharan tribe where gender roles are reversed to an extent (I remember every woman having several husbands), and guess what, women don't care much about their looks, and men who "compete" for women are all fussy about it. And gossipy. Also, I think again in another subsaharan tribe, women curse and are rough, and men are pacifists, subtle, indirect, always careful not to hurt other people's feelings .If the need arises they ask the women to do it. So, no, it's not something inherent in women. Social conditioning is an amazing thing. I don't know if you guys have ever bothered to look at a female magazine, the themes are always - how to lose weight, how to get rid of cellulite, how to prevent your husband from cheating on you, how to be more attractive for him, what to wear to be prettier etc. Every single female magazine does that. Luckily I don't read them (the covers in the shops are enough to get me pissed), but many women do. However things do seem to be shifting a bit. Well not really shifting, but metrosexuals seem to be on the rise.
Oh and btw I'd rather die than be raped (no necrophilia jokes please). I couldn't live with it, no matter what the help. And i wouldn't want to live with it. But I suffer from ocd and various quirky phobias so I'm by no means representative.
And btw2, there are women who would pass nr 12. There are also men who would pass. It implies habit, and present tense.
EDIT: okay, so I was told that the studies regarding the tribes that I read about are backed by anecdotal rather than scientific evidence. So I guess for the time being I'll have to join the "chicken and egg question" camp. Until I find time to clearly think about it in more detail ;P