jauncourt: Well, I'm not her, but I do think that she is right in saying that kids are better at learning things than we give them credit for.
Oh, sure. And she is, in fact, a he ;-)
jauncourt: I expect my kids will be like I was, the one in the house with the best grasp of new tech. How many of us were the kid that tech support jokes are about?
Well, me for one. However, my kid is somewhat more extroverted and outdoors-y than I was. Plus, I never stopped being a geek. I'm a software developer by trade. I think it'll be many years before he (possibly) surpasses me in that regard.
jauncourt: As a side note, I have deliberately used different linguistic settings on a couple of games (when they were available) to brush up on other languages. It's actually a good learning tool to force yourself to immerse like that.
Oh, I agree. I learned a lot of English from computer games. But you need to have a basic grasp of the language in the first place, in order to get any benefit from it. You can't just take a kid who can just barely read simple words in his own language (or can't read at all yet), put him in front of a text adventure in English, and expect him to get anywhere.
Some games are simply too difficult for some age groups, that is all I am saying.