amok: But you where - you tried to make quick little joke to disarm me (about my personality) - it might not have been the your intention but it was the result. You did go after me as a the person not at the cause.
A joke has to be the intention for it to be a joke, and it wasn't one. Take my word for it -- only I know for sure, because only I am I.
amok: No you didn't. You made some presumptions about me and turned them into a joke. If you wanted my perspective you only have to ask, there where no need to second guess me. There was no question meant for me there, but a possibility for someone else to take you up and go with it. You where trying disarming my argument as not valid and based on "snapping" because I have had to many bad experiences? How can this be seeing it from my perspective when you don't know anything about me? I am not saying this was a conscious approach from you, but it was the end result.
I didn't see why you came here to argue in the first place, so I tried to find a reason for it. I knew you were a person so that you could actually reply, and thus bring the truth forth, and so you did. And you proved me wrong. Just don't think it was an attack, it was anything but it. Trust me. I had no bad intentions, but I apologize for how you took it.
Let's move on.
amok: I am slow on the uptake, but when I do go off I tend to steam right ahead without breaking, and I also apologise for coming on to strongly. However I am not quite sure what you are trying to say here? Stand by my ideal and act the hero (which I am nowhere close to being) and set an example but not act? One of my fault is that i start lecturing (force of habit), but how can I do anything on a forum except to talk? how can I stand by my ideal without saying anything. I tried to do so now by talking in quite general terms, how else could I do it? if I did nothing would I then live to my ideals? I never singled you out, only responded to your response to me, I did not even think you where in the worst group before this... maybe one of the faults with society is that people actually have stopped caring and telling people behave better? (thats a bit rhetoric and philosophical, not to say wrong place... Note to self - coffe before any forums...)
Hmm... You seem to misunderstand me again. What I think you should've done is
not being quiet, but to answer this guy in the good-spirited way you wanted us to. We could see the comment and think for ourselves that this might be how we should've done it, and in the future take that into account. Of course, by you telling us to be different we can also consider or discredit that, but alas, I do not think it is that easy. A big, fat disclaimer saying "be nice" isn't enough for people to be nice. I think we have to live and learn.
That said, though, I think your ideal
is a nice one, just somewhat pointless. But this is just my opinion, and I have no extensive knowledge of people or the human mind to begin with. I know people only through myself, and evidently, I can be wrong. We're all different and I guess it is to be expected.
Roman5: The site was launched in 2008, how excatly is that "Very new" in any way?
And are you serious about the size? so if a game is large it shouldn't be here?
you aren't making any sense
Maybe it's not "very new", but for a service like this, yes, it's new in my opinion. Especially considering that it just recently went out of Beta state. Also, read my post that elaborated on the size thing, please. :) Hopefully it will make more sense to you.
bazilisek: Everyone who is familiar with this site and its operation should be able to see that, even if they are the kind of people who think the concept of "DRM free" is the best thing since sliced bread.
I don't care for sliced bread at all. :( More convenient but never as tasty.
Navagon: He may have been venting. But then if you'd just spent money only to see you'd seemingly pissed it down the drain because the place you bought your game from is too broken to be able to deliver it you'd probably be a little bit angry too.
Realistically speaking anyone who has used GOG for a while should be aware of the failings and whose fault those failings are. So yes, the fact that the downloader is broken is GOG's fault. The fact that they haven't removed that option is GOG's fault. The lack of technical support and incredibly slow progress on fixing existing titles that are still up for sale in a broken state is GOG's fault. The fact that for some they make a terrible first impression is GOG's fault.
This is all a part of the service they provide.
So while it may be perfectly possible to work around GOG's shortcomings, all we can do is point out to others how they can do this. There's no sense in blaming them for not seeing how to when there's no clear indication available that a browser download would be any less truncated.
Can't argue with any of that, but most of us
did point it out. Point out a way for him to get his precious game and be a happy chappy. That's why I don't get why we're arguing in the first place. :S Even if our replies seemed rude, they were probably very helpful to him. He probably didn't even expect a solution when he came on here ranting, but he was given one.