timppu: I don't know if this was reported here already...
I just went to rog.asus.com (the homepage for ASUS "Republic Of Gamers"-gaming laptops, like ASUS G75), and I get a:
"Hacked By 1337... Protest aganist disrespect of our beloved prophet blaablaablaa".
Wow. Is it really easy like that, hack the home pages of big corporations? Are there many other hacks ongoing with the current campaign?
EDIT: At the end of the page it says: "Dont worry admin Nothing has been deleted or leaked or downloaded :), Just Index Added."
Missing index.html added to the site, and then all traffic goes to that fake page? Or index.html replaced?
-I'm heavy into philosophy and conspiracy theory. I do a lot of thinking and a lot of religious discussion.
I generally don't mock others religions unless they're using them to try and dogmatically frighten me into their way of thinking.
I've never been very sweet tempered with a "Or else" finger pointed at me.
I find it rude to mock religion simply because, for the innocent people who benefit psychologically from it (such as acceptance of death thus assuming there may be chance to be with deceased relations after this lifetime), I don't want to take that away from them.
But any pupil of any messiah should wake up and understand that it is
thier actions through which their God is judged, declined or accepted and considering that, they may want to start putting on a much better show.