cpugeek13: The most funny part of this whole fiasco was the huge outcry from people who were "afraid" of others to know that they play WoW. Its like, its shameful or something. I never realized there were that many in the closet geeks out there. Theres nothing wrong with playing computer games, people, just like there is nothing wrong with watching movies or collecting stamps.
You wouldn't believe how many people are in the closet about their gaming. This is specially true about "popular" people, the ones that care the most about their self-perceived image. You know that well-groomed, fashionable, muscular guy that every office has? Well, he probably turns into a pretty, scantily clad night elf hottie when at home.
One of my employees is a huge WOW freak, to the point that when The Burning Crusade came out she skipped work with some half-assed pretext. Instead of giving her hell like i would usually do i had the print shop downstairs make a big-ass banner with "WELCOME BACK, ALLIANCE SCUM." in glittering letters and everything and we hanged it right across her door. That was a great day.