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GameRager: I told you guys my sarcasm detector is shot to didn't I?(I forget which thread it was in but I did mention it, I believe.)
gameon: Dont worrry about it. I think someone also told you that theres no point in worrying what others think either.
was yesterday in the thread about leroux's computer problem.
lugum: was yesterday in the thread about leroux's computer problem.
I think gameon was trying to subtly mention that. ;)
GameRager: You state that swearing/etc can be used for valid reasons in a thread further into your post but start by saying swears aren't valid for thread titles. If they can be used to insert some "emotional impact" into the words of a post why can't they do the same thing validly in a thread title?

Anyways this debate wasn't even about being able to use swears in thread titles, but using semi-risque words in valid ways in thread titles & having them edited out for no real reason.
gog have never censored "bad language" in a thread as long as it was not directed offensively against another member, the only censoring they have done is in titles, and this whole thing started because they changed a word in the title, not in the thread, so I can't see how you can say this is not what the argument is about, that's shifting the goal posts...

anyway, I still think that thread titles is not the place for "bad" words, as I explained above.
amok: Gog have never censored "bad language" in a thread as long as it was not directed offensively against another member, the only censoring they have done is in titles, and this whole thing started because they changed a word in the title, not in the thread, so I can't see how you can say this is not what the argument is about, that's shifting the goal posts...

anyway, I still think that thread titles is not the place for "bad" words, as I explained above.
I never said they did censor a post. I said that it makes no sense to censor one and not the other, as just censoring one won't accomplish anything.

As for the argument not being about swears I was referring to the fact that this argument was about a non-swear being edited in a thread title, not about whether swears should be allowed in thread titles on GOG or not.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by GameRager
GameRager: I never said they did censor a post. I said that it makes no sense to censor one and not the other, as just censoring one won't accomplish anything.

As for the argument not being about swears I was referring to the fact that this argument was about a non-swear being edited in a thread title, not about whether swears should be allowed in thread titles on GOG or not.
Sorry, miss-read... Lets start again:

" You state that swearing/etc can be used for valid reasons in a thread further into your post but start by saying swears aren't valid for thread titles. If they can be used to insert some "emotional impact" into the words of a post why can't they do the same thing validly in a thread title?"

This i have already explained - context. You do not start an argument with an stranger by using "bad words" but you may do so when the argument is in progress - it is bad form. Also when the "bad word" is in the thread title it is very visible in the main page, you might not find it offensive, I might not find it offensive but someone else might do - is it right to "force" them to read it each time they open up gog forum? if it is in a thread they can atleast just close the thread. I think it is more considerate to keep the titles "clean" and gog do have a corporate image to think of.

"Anyways this debate wasn't even about being able to use swears in thread titles, but using semi-risque words in valid ways in thread titles & having them edited out for no real reason."

I can not for the life of me see any valid reason why anyone would need to use "semi-risque words" in a title. There is no subject which can not be explained without using them, so the only reason to add them is for attention seeking. If the topic need something extra to grab your attention, then it is not really worth it.
amok: you might not find it offensive, I might not find it offensive but someone else might do
But that is the problem. If you censor anything that someone might find offensive, you end up censoring nearly everything.

Is there even a single post on the GOG forums complaining about the "bad language" in topic titles?
amok: you might not find it offensive, I might not find it offensive but someone else might do
xyem: But that is the problem. If you censor anything that someone might find offensive, you end up censoring nearly everything.

Is there even a single post on the GOG forums complaining about the "bad language" in topic titles?
not really. We have normal ways of conducting ourself in relation to each other, manners is one of them. I generally find it rude when people I do not know or are not engaging with shouts "bad words" at me. In a way this is the same as having them in the titles on the front page. There is very little problems with the titles here, and it is very few titles that get changed. If you were correct, then it would be happening on a daily basis. The words which do get changed it is common sense why they do get changed (and this is really the first time this is being discussed)

Gog's problem is that If someone comes o gog and get offended, they will not bother starting a new thread with it, they will just leave finding a place they feel comfortable with, which is why you wont see any such threads. I do not post in those threads, as I tend to ignore them and never opens them.

I generally find excessive use of "bad language" offensive and have said so in the posts concerned, but I also just don't engage with people who can't express themselves without being offensive, I use to say it is a character flaw.
C'mon guys, can't you see PETA bullied GOG into changing the thread title? They were already onto us because someone put Super Meat Boy on the wishlist and more than 3.000 community members voted for Sam & Max Hit The Road, a game more controversial than Postal because of that infamously cruel Wak-A-Rat scene.
amok: Gog's problem is that If someone comes o gog and get offended, they will not bother starting a new thread with it, they will just leave finding a place they feel comfortable with, which is why you wont see any such threads. I do not post in those threads, as I tend to ignore them and never opens them.
gameon: But a thread with a clean title can include absolute nonsense and awful content. So i dont understand the need for changing thread titles, but not the posts they contain.
because you can close a thread but you can't close the main forum page without actually leaving the forum. In this way there is actually no choice, you can be offended or you can leave.

Nonsense is something completely different, no one do really get offended by nonsense. And I am not sure what you mean about "awful content" if it do not contain "bad words"? If people find a thread not to be to their linking (content wise) they just want go to it, they don't get offended by it.
My word, but this has started up a firestorm. Sorry, OP. Welcome to the fora, by the way.

Look, in all honesty, I probably would not have moderated that thread because the words I would rather not see in topics are the "Seven Words You Can't Say On TV." (thanks, George Carlin). And hey, look: we have someone new at the company who's in the fora a lot, and there will indubitably be a few mistakes while he's learning the ropes here.

My point remains: I think by changing the thread title and politely asking the OP to refrain from using profanity in the topic, we're changing nothing substantive (is a difference that makes no difference a difference?), while still indicating to the OP and those who read the post that it is our preference that they please refrain from doing that again.

It is no more censorship than if you were at a party and the host asked you to please refrain from talking about orangutans. Can you? Yes, of course. The host doesn't have groupthink control of your brain. However, he's made a preference known, so you are at least aware before you speak that--perhaps--he has a deep and abiding phobia for primates of the subfamily Ponginae.
Can't we just switch to Polish swearing in titles?
Asbeau: I must be missing something here. This can't be right.

Did GOG staff just tell somebody not to say ASS?
Adzeth: Yes, you are correct. Even though 'ass' is butt a word among others.

moderators, besides, ok, I just said 'Yeah, that kicks ass'. As a straight guy, if I want to get some ass I'll just go out and try to get some.

I was just talking about videogames' ass, not THAT kind of ass.
amok: Sorry, miss-read... Lets start again:

" You state that swearing/etc can be used for valid reasons in a thread further into your post but start by saying swears aren't valid for thread titles. If they can be used to insert some "emotional impact" into the words of a post why can't they do the same thing validly in a thread title?"

This i have already explained - context. You do not start an argument with an stranger by using "bad words" but you may do so when the argument is in progress - it is bad form. Also when the "bad word" is in the thread title it is very visible in the main page, you might not find it offensive, I might not find it offensive but someone else might do - is it right to "force" them to read it each time they open up gog forum? if it is in a thread they can atleast just close the thread. I think it is more considerate to keep the titles "clean" and gog do have a corporate image to think of.
"Anyways this debate wasn't even about being able to use swears in thread titles, but using semi-risque words in valid ways in thread titles & having them edited out for no real reason."

I can not for the life of me see any valid reason why anyone would need to use "semi-risque words" in a title. There is no subject which can not be explained without using them, so the only reason to add them is for attention seeking. If the topic need something extra to grab your attention, then it is not really worth it.
If bad words are bad words/bad form then they don't/shouldn't suddenly become "Ok" to use in a conversation if they're not ok beforehand(and vice versa).

(I agree, btw, that the titles should be kept clean.....but I also think certain words shouldn't be edited out [like ass/etc] when they're used in a non-offensive/constructive/correct manner.)
By "semi-risque" words I meant words like ass/etc.....words which can be used in either good or bad ways, depending on how one uses them. Like for example, making a thread about the motion picture "Kick Ass", with the title "Kick Ass movie discussion". That is but one valid example of how semi-risque words can be used in a thread title in a civil/non attention seeking manner, and one example of things which shouldn't(imo) be edited in thread titles.

And no, a topic might not NEED that little bit extra to get noticed,(Not just swears...this can include hook lines and other literary devices to get people interested.) but it can help in some why not use them(I'm not talking about/advocating using swears here but descriptive thread titles with semi-risque words/etc done in a civil and constructive manner.)?

Also, using attention seeking methods(in thread titles in this case) doesn't necessarily make the topic being discussed(within the threads themselves) any less important or worthwhile to read/get into.

(Also what's so wrong with attention seeking? GOG does it all the time to get customers, and others do it to draw attention to their causes(online and irl).)
escapist23: moderators, besides, ok, I just said 'Yeah, that kicks ass'. As a straight guy, if I want to get some ass I'll just go out and try to get some.

I was just talking about videogames' ass, not THAT kind of ass.
This is not actually an unusual level of completely sidetracked conversation for a thread. It's more of a (mostly) polite brawl here than anything else. ;)