Gazoinks: I always just pronounce it Gog. Like God with a g.
hedwards: That's because it was an acronym and that's how you're supposed to typically pronounce acronyms. I think though that the backpedaling on the we weren't really an old games company was a bit much though.
However not as egregious as Zecco, which stood for Zero Commissions, completely dropping the zero commission and claiming that it was always a part of the plan. When they had been lying to the clients for a long time about their plans prior to that.
I don't think it was because they weren't making money I think they just came to the conclusion since they managed so well of Witcher 2 on GOG they might as well just specialize in DRM gaming with lots of extras.
I just consider Steam as Asda, and GOG as marks and spencers (don't read into that analogy to much XD) you get games cheap of steam, but GOG just offer that extra air of quality.