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jesskitten: Well poo, now I'll never get an answer to the question I was going to attack Zch on. ><

One thing I would like to know. Typhoon, what was your night action/result?
Hang on; how do you know Typhoon has a night ability?
jesskitten: Well poo, now I'll never get an answer to the question I was going to attack Zch on. ><

One thing I would like to know. Typhoon, what was your night action/result?
nmillar: Hang on; how do you know Typhoon has a night ability?
I do believe he stated that at some point.
nmillar: Hang on; how do you know Typhoon has a night ability?
Azarr: I do believe he stated that at some point.
Ah, yes, School Counselor - completely forgot he role-claimed.
Yeah, he claimed tracker, which would be useful if he ever manages to get the action off. Too much to hope that he did, but I wanted to make sure the roleblock went his way before I attacked Ubivis.

@enterprise, you seem to be using the Too Townie logical fallacy in that line of thought there. Assuming you are town and not rolefishing.
Well, been lying back for a while to let day 2 play out a little (And been busy with real life and education), but I thought I'd chip in here.

My main suspect at the moment is Ubivis, much for the reasons stated - but I don't think we can use the "the mafia didn't kill you" theory much - because his claim to be nurse (And therefore a nudge at having a doctor power) could be a false claim in order to attempt to draw fire from the mafia while being bulletproof. I'm not saying it is so, and I'm not saying I think so, I'm just throwing the theory out there. People seem far too confident in jumping the current theory and not thinking it through.

Other than that, I suspect Azarr, much for his silence, but also because he doesn't contribute that much, he posts very short posts that hardly tell anything but the top of his mind.

Then there's pazzer, who has constantly been silent and decided to not vote for either Typhoon or baz on day 1 because he knew they were innocent - he mentioned they had proven innocent, while all they had was perform claims, which could be entirely false.

The last of my main suspects is jess. And I think jesskitten is climbing my suspects list very rapidly.
Why? Simple, she has a LOT of power, and while many may not think her as such, she's definately the driving force behind the wagon on Ubivis. She only points out theories where only one of them can be mafia. Theories others have taken to them. Why can't both be mafia? How can we be sure Ty is not lying about being roleblocked? Perhaps he isn't even a tracker and is using this as a plan to throw us all off guard? The current theories are by FAR too much WIFOM, something jesskitten has been good at pointing out earlier, but today, she hasn't. Why?

I'm mostly pondering here, but Ty's roleblocking is quite convinient, for then he doesn't have to make up anything about a target he could have had. Ubivis could be bulletproof. My overall point is that jess has been VERY analytical so far and explored near every nook and corner, but today, she goes for the simple way forward, no pondering, no largely analytical approach, just outright accusation and directly calling Ubivis scum.

And before you claim I'm defending Ubivis, I'm not, I'm merely pondering about the roads not taken, the theories left alone. We cannot allow ourselves to become so cocksure, for if we're wrong, we'll be thrown completely offguard and lack any proper direction. That being said, Ubivis IS my number 1 suspect, and I feel he is the best candidate for a lynch today so far (Yes, I agree with what most people have against him, my theories in this post are just that, theories and food for thought), but I would like a statement from him before throwing my vote at him.
jesskitten: snip
Sorry, I meant role claim for Ubivis.

I guess I was using a logical fallacy in pointing a finger at you, but it was just something that popped into my head while reading and I thought I should get it out there and give everyone something to chew on. Right now though, I'm more interested in what Ubivis has to say about all these votes being put towards him.
@ Damnation your wrong I voted for both Typhoon and baz on day 1. Think everyone removed their votes from Typhoon after his roleclaim. As for baz based on his later posts he appeared innocent to me.

But I take your point the day was draging and he needed to die.
uhh... was away for the weekend and what do I see? Became to main suspect :)

First of all, yes my soft roleclaim was a wrong move (not that experienced this this kind of game as a board game, usualy playing this in real with friends during the night) and I do absolutely understand why everyone is now suspecting me. I would do the same, if I would claim that I could have a powerful role and have not been killed during the night.

On the other hand, I know that I have not killed anyone during the night and this makes me suspicious of Typhoon again, who claims to have been roleblocked. If I were him and Mafia, I would have done the absolutely same. Killing someone else during the night, claiming to have been roleblocked and take the chance to turn everyone against a townie who made a bad move.

I don't think that anyone will trust me on this, but if you are going to lynch me, you will see yourself.

Vote Typhoon45
jesskitten: Yeah, he claimed tracker, which would be useful if he ever manages to get the action off. Too much to hope that he did, but I wanted to make sure the roleblock went his way before I attacked Ubivis.

@enterprise, you seem to be using the Too Townie logical fallacy in that line of thought there. Assuming you are town and not rolefishing.
I know Enterprise only threw this out, and I know this probably seems like a bit of Jealousy more than anything else, but @Jess - you ALWAYS seem to have a handy link to a Mafia Wiki article explaining your every action and countering any persons reasons for suspecting you. Now I'm not saying that is necessarily a bad thing, but it Could be seen as an experienced Mafia player using outside tools to persuade people of their Innocence.

Is this allowed? It lends extra weight to your arguments, but could be seen to be an unfair advantage, especially if you are scum!

Don't get me wrong - its definitely beneficial for us to get all these definitions and articles on various arguments / theories, helps in the hunt for the scum. But concerned it could be a handy smoke screen for you, if you are Mafia it puts us poor town newbies at a distinct disadvantage!
USERNAME:Robbeasy#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:444#Q&_^Q&Q#Is this allowed?#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:444#Q&_^Q&Q#
Thankyou - it was a request of sorts, I should have bolded it i suppose. As for Jesskitten, Im undecided as to whether it is a good smokescreen for her, or genuine attempts to help us along. As it can only really be beneficial for us all I am leaning towards a town motive rather than some sort of double bluff.
I dont understand your argument against Typhoon. How does you not killing anyone implicate him, and why do you say he is trying to turn town against you when he has neither voiced suspicions of you or voted for you today?
My argument is a bit difficult to write down as it is quite complex. It is not mainly based on Typhoons statement. Yes he, did not exactly said anything against me, yes he did not vote for me yet.

My Point is, that it looks quite suspicious to me, that is states everything to clear open.

1. He claims to have a powerful townie power
2. He claims that he have been roleblocked during the night instead of being killed

This tells me, that I will keep an eye on him. He have not been killed during the night (even he mentioned that he has a powerful ability). If I were Mafia, I would have instantly killed him, instead of just Roleblocking. This makes him very suspicious to me.

Otherwise, he could telling the truth as well, in this case the Mafia was about to let us think as I did (I wonder why only I did, maybe because of the people I usualy play this game *gg*).
Sorry folks, been AWOL here and will be for a bit more still because work this week is crazy busy (moving offices) and I don't get a lot of time to Mafia at home!

I'll be reading along but likely won't get to reply much until later this week.

@Enterprise - Thanks for the clarification, makes a lot more sense now. :P
@Robb - I hope so! I only really quote from like a small handful of articles there though, a good part of the wiki are like personal game stats or definitions or summaries and stuff, I think.
@Damnation - You're right. It is possible Ty lied about being roleblocked. I believed his claim, but I'm not so sure now because Tracker isn't a town-only role or anything. I don't think my entire argument against Ubivis is invalidated even if Ty is Mafia, though. And everything - EVERYTHING - in the game is WIFOM to an extent, every single piece of proof or counterproof, until someone flips town or scum. :p And even then there are very rare bastard roles that mess around with that. It's a matter of who you choose to believe or what evidence you think is more credible than others.
What does WIFOM stand for?

Ubivis' reasoning for Typhoon does make sense, and I can definitely see that there is a chance that he lied to us about being roleblocked. He hasn't posted for a few days, so I'm going to wait and see what he has to say in defense for himself before passing judgment.
enterprise2004: What does WIFOM stand for?

Ubivis' reasoning for Typhoon does make sense, and I can definitely see that there is a chance that he lied to us about being roleblocked. He hasn't posted for a few days, so I'm going to wait and see what he has to say in defense for himself before passing judgment.
Wine In Front Of Me - its when you look at something one way, but just as good a case can be made for looking at it in the complete opposite way.

Most things in Mafia games are WIFOM - thats what makes it so good when you get something right.!