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Well poo, now I'll never get an answer to the question I was going to attack Zch on. ><

One thing I would like to know. Typhoon, what was your night action/result?
jesskitten: Well poo, now I'll never get an answer to the question I was going to attack Zch on. ><

One thing I would like to know. Typhoon, what was your night action/result?
It was...

*Drumroll Please*


Not really. Who did you try to target?
jesskitten: Surprise!

Not really. Who did you try to target?
I don't think that I should say. Not only does it reveal my primary targets for night actions (and what play style I am most suspicious of), it will formulate suspicion both against me and against the person who I targeted. Also, it may get me night-killed, either to set up the person who I targeted or because I was getting too close to them.

Tell you what, if five people (including you) ask me to say who I targeted, I'll reveal it. I just don't think that it is all around beneficial right now, especially as it could cause more mud slinging and dissatisfaction in our town (school, whatever). I don't want Mafia trying to dictate my moves, I'd prefer a clear majority.
That's fine. I initially wanted you to say who because
a) The action is done anyway
b) If you were targetting a townie (only the scum would know etc) they might get WIFOMed and decide not to target you the next night since they know you're targetting a townie.
c) I figured it would lock you in to an action if it turns out later you were lying about being roleblocked.

That being said, I realised what you said too after I posted it, so I retract the request (though of course if you still want to..)

My starting vote for the day today is Ubivis. Why? I already outlined some points earlier, even though with Baz being town, that invalidates some (not all) of it.

- But you claimed a role (nurse) that was very doctorly sounding. Yes, that does not make you a doctor. But who here, if you were Mafia, would not have targetted him with a roleblock or a kill? The townie motivation for claiming something like that is to draw the night kill to you if you were a vanilla townie. But if that doesn't happen, then heaps of suspicion are on you because this is not one kill most Mafia pass on to make town suspicious of them or whatever - they always get killed or roleblocked. Always.
- You were not killed.
- You were not roleblocked.

Therefore, scum.
Vote Ubivis
jesskitten: snip.....

My starting vote for the day today is Ubivis. Why? I already outlined some points earlier, even though with Baz being town, that invalidates some (not all) of it.

- But you claimed a role (nurse) that was very doctorly sounding. Yes, that does not make you a doctor. But who here, if you were Mafia, would not have targetted him with a roleblock or a kill? The townie motivation for claiming something like that is to draw the night kill to you if you were a vanilla townie. But if that doesn't happen, then heaps of suspicion are on you because this is not one kill most Mafia pass on to make town suspicious of them or whatever - they always get killed or roleblocked. Always.
- You were not killed.
- You were not roleblocked.

Therefore, scum.
Vote Ubivis
That is an extremely good point Jess - it hangs on the fact that the Mafia would roleblock a power only hinted at (Ubivis never came out and said doc, but Nurse is sailing pretty close to the wind in anyones book!) instead of a known power role claimed by Typhoon - would the Mafia not play safe and block the known power role, as claimed? But then, if they did, surely they would go for the nightkill on Ubivis, just in case he was a power role himself!

Massive FoS at Ubivis.

This IS all assuming Typhoon is telling the truth of course - he himself did manage to get to L -2 yesterday, so not exactly covered with glory.

Buuut, since the Claim, has done nothing further to raise suspicions. Still, not entirely trustworthy to me, so only a FoS at Ubivis instead of a vote, for now.

Also - there are far too many quiet people for my liking in this game - can we have some reasoned arguments and theories from others as well? It seems to be the same old few willing to put themselves up for ridicule and argument...longer you stay quiet, scummier you look to me....
Yeah, there are other less likely possibilities, but a good chunk of it involves Typhoon being town. But if he is, it would sort of make sense that he was blocked as he's basically a weirder, weaker version of a cop (and the only claimed Power Role). While Mafia went to hunt the quieter players for the real doc since they knew Ubivis wasn't one, but perhaps was hoping that the real doc would come out on D1 and counter claim.

Though there's a chance Ty could be a Mafia tracker too, but hopefully another assumedly non-killed non-roleblocked town investigative role that hopefully exists, will be able to impart some insight a few days from now if not today. (How's that for trying to avoid that rolefishing accusation!)

But a potential doctor is at the top of the hunt order for Mafia because it means the potential for a missed nightkill every night until they get him. If he was not Mafia, there was no way they'd not be eyeing him for that statement and left him utterly alone. If he weren't Mafia, Mafia would have thought he could be the doc as he hinted, and even if they were dubious about the claim, they would have blocked him and killed whoever they wanted, or block Ty and kill him. They would not leave him untouched, because he MAY have guessed right and blocked the kill on (Zch, Ty, me, whoever else) instead.

Especially after he seemed very relaxed to let others wonder about his 'maybe I do, maybe I don't have a role" thing, making it fairly obvious he did say the original nurse thing (ie it wasn't just in one post that may have been skimmed over). The only question would be kill or roleblock. Assuming Typhoon is telling the truth about being roleblocked himself, though, that is a fair point but one I believe.
I will also vote for ubvis. His unnecessary claim struck me as scummy from the start, but the (apparent,) lack of attention he recieved from night actions after claiming a role that would be an obvious fit for doc increases my suspicions.

vote ubvis
Very surprised Ubivis or Typhoon wasn't killed. Agree with jess that Ubivis looks very suspicious. So vote Ubivis
Ubivis was my second suspect from from the other day, his soft claim as nurse is suspicious. I'm not going to vote yet though, I want to give this day more time to progress.
Well, the recent dialogue suggests one of two possibilities:

1) Typhoon is telling the truth, which begs the question why Ubivis is still alive.

2) Typhoon is lying and Ubivis is indeed the town nurse (but claims not to have a doctor ability). In this instance Ubivis could well have been role blocked.

In conclusion either Ubivis or Typhoon is scum, and since the majority of people are going after Ubivis, I'll add my voice to the crowd (and if Ubivis turns up innocent, then clearly Typhoon is scum).

Vote Ubivis.
L -2 already!!

Is that not time to ask for a role claim from him?? Or does that only pertain to day one?
I would be up for a role claim from Jesskitten. I agree with everything she says, but I'm reminded of a sweet talking, dirty political candidate. Sort of like the one from Stephen King's Dead Zone. Everything she says makes sense, and people jump onto her vote bandwagon.

Ubivis is still my number 1 suspect, but I've been mulling over this Jesskitten situation all day, and decided to throw this out there to see what everyone thinks.
Role claim? Why? What would that do for your thoughts one way or the other? Even though I'm in no danger of getting lynched currently (ie not in L-1 claim territory), it's easy enough for me to say I'm a vanilla townie even if I had a power role, or even if I were Mafia, which I'm not. That may well be Mafia rolefishing because you could be seen as trying to find hints as to who is, or is not, the doctor/cop/other common power roles that are trying to stay hidden. And we likely still have too many people left to mass claim (though that's not what you're asking for either, if I interpreted it corrently).

Though I would definitely like to hear from people as to what other suspects they may have, even if you agree about (the suddenly silent, though perhaps due to weekend) Ubivis.
Well I do suspect Ubivis, mostly for reasons already stated, but I'd like to hear more from him before I vote for him. If I do.
He may look suspicious, but I think that went a bit fast.

Other suspects would be millar, though that is just a feeling. No proof and certainly not enough to vote for him.

My last suspect, at the moment would be jess, pretty much for the reasons enterprise stated. Not that it is of much use.