Posted May 10, 2011
I just keep my machine fully up-to-date and behind a decent firewall, only download files from trusted sources, never open e-mail attachments unless I am expecting them and If I need it, I have a manual virus scanner that I can run on individual files or my whole system as required.
The most common methods of infection involve malicious banner ads, usually Flash-based (since Adobe has a history of being very slow at fixing security vulnerabilities). Get a few going in the ad networks, let them percolate through some 50 billion websites, and you'll have people getting infected just by visiting MSN. Not even Google is immune.
That said, keeping things fully up to date is a good idea, so long as you're doing it properly. Mind you, keeping up on OS, browser, and plugin updates isn't an easy thing to do on your own. I like to use Secunia PSI for that purpose -- it's completely free, and can even automatically install some updates when it notices that you need them.
Keeping your software up to date is an incredibly easy thing to do on your own without the assistance of more unnecessary software. All you need to do is make sure anything that can auto-update does (as long as it also asks permission before doing it) and anything that doesn't auto-update (very few things these days), you simply make a habit out of checking for updates regularly. When I get that prompt from Windows Auto-update every month, I know its time for me to check everything else. I have the sites for all my software bookmarked and I just go down the list and update as necessary. Nothing on my machine is ever out of date.