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I voted for ViolatorX, actually. N

ot that it matters much now......still, i'd appreciate if my vote was at least counted with the others in the last votecount to date.
GameRager: I voted for ViolatorX, actually. N

ot that it matters much now......still, i'd appreciate if my vote was at least counted with the others in the last votecount to date.
I know you did (though it was seconds apart), but once someone crosses the lynch threshold, all future votes/unvotes are invalid.
(But if you insist, I could add it. It hardly matters.)
GameRager: I voted for ViolatorX, actually. N

ot that it matters much now......still, i'd appreciate if my vote was at least counted with the others in the last votecount to date.
bazilisek: I know you did (though it was seconds apart), but once someone crosses the lynch threshold, all future votes/unvotes are invalid.
(But if you insist, I could add it. It hardly matters.)
Oops, I didn't see that the votecount had hit lynch threshold.....nvm then. Carry on as per usual, Op. :)
We won the game! We won the game!

Thanks to everyone who was playing. It's pity the game was affected by 3 modkills.
nmillar: Wow, that's some quick-fire band-wagoning there. I hope tomorrow's surviving townies are paying attention to the people that have voted in quick succession.
N0x0ss: I'll be the first victim of your downfall !
An aside, but: I find it amazing that N0x was found to be vanilla town yet he somehow "predicted" he'd be dead after NMillar was lynched before it happened. Anyone else feel the same?

Vitek: We won the game! We won the game!

Thanks to everyone who was playing. It's pity the game was affected by 3 modkills.
We did?(If we did then yay!) Don't all mafia need to be killed to win the game for town?

We got NMIllar, I know this much. I haven't finished reading yet, though, so I don't know who the other two are/were.
GameRager: We did?(If we did then yay!) Don't all mafia need to be killed to win the game for town?

We got NMIllar, I know this much. I haven't finished reading yet, though, so I don't know who the other two are/were.
Seriously, read this and following. You don't need to read anything else.
The Gods have spoken to me. I know who we are looking for.
The face of He Who Watches the Sky was terribly still, as if carved from the sharp rock of Tāwhiritike itself. His finger was pointed at The Hairy One who was staring into the flames.
Stand up and face me, murderer.
The other Elders watched in silence as The Hairy One, still sitting by the fire, slowly raised his head and looked the accuser straight in the eyes.
Look at you. Look at the tribe. You are just playthings in the hands of Gods.
Without your Gods, you are lost. Just children wandering in the jungle. Fish caught in a wave. Seeds carried by the wind.
We wished for more. We are Men, and we can fight for ourselves.
He rose from the fire. What we did was for the good of the tribe. In time, the tribe would understand. You would understand. It had to be done.
The five Elders rose from the fire. They did not speak, for it was not the time to speak. The Hairy One understood the look on their faces. He lowered his head.
Very well. So shall it be.
Six men climbed to the mouth of Tāwhiritike. Only five men came down.

Boct 1584 has been lynched. He was The Hairy One (Mafia Strongarm).

And so the tribe that was tainted with evil cleansed the evil with fire.
Watching from afar, the great God Rāmatawhāiti smiled. His people had grown.
In the seasons to come, perhaps they will not need him any more.
He looked once more at the fiery mountaintop that shaped the future of his tribe, climbed down to the beach and calmly walked into the sea.
My story is finished.

The game has ended with a Town win. Congratulations!

I will now post the full list of roles, various odds and ends and perhaps a bit of analysis as well. Otherwise, the thread is now open for general chat and merriment.
GameRager: We did?(If we did then yay!) Don't all mafia need to be killed to win the game for town?

We got NMIllar, I know this much. I haven't finished reading yet, though, so I don't know who the other two are/were.
Vitek: Seriously, read this and following. You don't need to read anything else.
I will read it in time....I have mild-severe OCD, and as such I like/need to read everything in a thread before posting in earnest.
Just wanted to congratulate Vitek on his gameplay. You were the perfect anonymous ally I was counting on. Congrats to all other townies and very well played !!
bazilisek: Watching from afar, the great God Rāmatawhāiti smiled. His people had grown.
In the seasons to come, perhaps they will not need him any more.
Well, the great god told me who is the last scum so I think our tribe still needs him. :-)
Post edited July 10, 2012 by Vitek
N0x0ss: Just wanted to congratulate Vitek on his gameplay. You were the perfect anonymous ally I was counting on. Congrats to all other townies and very well played !!
Yay.....we won! Question: How did you seemingly know you'd be killed after NMillar died/was lynched, even though you didn't have a power role? Just curious. Was it just a feeling as you claimed, or something else?
Mafia Roles

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Climbs Trees (Mafia Ninja).

In any physical activity, you have always been the most skilled of all in the tribe, with movements as fluid and smooth as those of a jungle cat. And like a beast of prey, you want the most for yourself: the favours of the gods are given to too many now. The Elders must be thinned out.

In the night, you meet with the other two Dark Elders, The Hairy One (boct1584, Mafia Strongman) and He Who Wears Beads (matti1996, Mafia Goon). You may discuss your plans between game days here:
Each night, one of the Dark Elders may carry out a nightkill. If you are selected to do so, PM the moderator with the name of the player you want to kill. Thanks to your supreme skills, you will never be seen performing the murder.

Victory condition:
You win when the mafia equals the town in size.

You have been chosen for the role of The Hairy One (Mafia Strongman).

There is no one in the tribe who could defeat you in a contest of strength, and your prowess won you your place among the Elders. But even though you are strong, you are not stupid, and the hateful remarks the other Elders make about your supposed lack of wisdom behind your back have always been a source of much anger. Now you have an opportunity to fight back.

In the night, you meet with the other two Dark Elders, He Who Climbs Trees (nmillar, Mafia Ninja) and He Who Wears Beads (matti1996, Mafia Goon). You may discuss your plans between game days here:
Each night, one of the Dark Elders may carry out a nightkill. If you are selected to do so, PM the moderator with the name of the player you want to kill. Thanks to your supreme strength, your murder attempt will never fail.

Victory condition:
You win when the mafia equals the town in size.

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Wears Beads (Mafia Goon).

You have been called many things: The Vain One, He Whom the Gods Hate, The Mongrel. Chosen among the Elders because of your late father, you never felt accepted there. Yet your ambition does not allow you to just bow to the others: you always knew there would come a day when they would learn to fear you.

In the night, you meet with the other two Dark Elders, He Who Climbs Trees (nmillar, Mafia Ninja) and The Hairy One (boct1584, Mafia Strongman). You may discuss your plans between game days here:
Each night, one of the Dark Elders may carry out a nightkill. If you are selected to do so, PM the moderator with the name of the player you want to kill.

Victory condition:
You win when the mafia equals the town in size.
Post edited July 10, 2012 by bazilisek
Town Roles

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Watches the Sky (Town Cop).

Be grateful, for you are the favourite of the great Rāmatawhāiti. In you he trusts, and to you he will grant his divine assistance, showing you the secrets of Men through signs in the stars.
Do not fail him.

Each night, you may PM the moderator with the name of a player you want to investigate. You will receive a PM in which you will learn that player's alignment.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Doesn't Like Fish (Town Doctor).

Mocked by the other Elders for your dislike of the ocean, the mother of all, you are knowledgeable about the many plants of the island of Tamanuiaraki and their healing powers. Many an ailing child has been saved to live in this world for many more moons thanks to your care.

Each night, you may PM the moderator with the name of a player you want to protect. On that night, the first attempt to kill this player will fail.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of The Hungry One (Town Watcher).

Restless at night because of your insatiable hunger, you know what is happening when everyone else sleeps. Many of the little mysteries of the tribe are known only to the Gods and to you.

Each night, you may PM the moderator with the name of a player you want to watch. If anyone targets the same player on that night, you will learn who it was (but not what action was performed).

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Paints in the Mud (Town Vanilla).

To the delight of children, you can carve the likeness of other members of the tribe in the mud with a stick. You harbour a secret dislike towards Rantepō, the God of Rain and Storm, who has destroyed so much of your work.

None. Your artistic skill is useless now.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of The One Who Eats Toads (Town Vanilla).

Eating toads has never been forbidden by the Gods, but everyone in the tribe thinks it's just nasty.

None. Devouring amphibians is not that special.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of He Who Listens to Trees (Town Vanilla).

You like sitting down and listening to the murmur of leaves in the wind. Many believe you are trying to capture a message from the Gods, but that's not true; you just think the sound is very calming.

None. The trees don't know anything worth knowing.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of Badger on a Stick (Town Vanilla).

One time, many moons ago, you paraded around the village with your hunting trophy: a badger skewered on a sharp stick. Now you wish you never did.

None. A stupid name is not an ability, it's a curse.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of The Young One (Town Vanilla).

As the youngest of the Elders, you are not the most respected of those sitting around the fire. But you are determined to show them your worth despite your young age.

None. You're too young to be given one.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.

You have been chosen for the role of The Four-Fingered One (Town Vanilla).

When you were but a boy, you lost the little finger of your left hand when fishing in the ocean. The tribe believes this was a sign from the Gods, marking you for great deeds in the future.
So far, it honestly doesn't seem like that.

None. You don't see anything special about yourself at all.

Victory condition:
You win when all threats to the tribe have been removed.