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The End of Day Two: Votecount the Tenth

nmillar: 5 votes (L-0). Voted by IronStar (#366), N0x0ss (#610), JoeSapphire (#700), GameRager (#703) and boct1584 (#740).
ViolatorX: 1 vote (L-4). Voted by nmillar (#541).
IronStar: 1 vote (L-4). Voted by Vitek (#677).

Not voting: ViolatorX.

nmillar has been lynched!

It is now twilight. You may continue to talk until the lynch scene is posted, which shouldn't take very long.
Post edited July 08, 2012 by bazilisek
bazilisek: nmillar has been lynched!
He did not resist. He did not fight. He did not say a word.
After all heads of the tribe leaders had nodded in agreement, two Elders rose to walk by the side of the man whose life was now forfeit to the Gods. Yet He Who Climbs Trees lightly brushed off the hands that tried to grasp him, and looked in the faces of the two men with contempt as sharp as the light of the stars.
The tribe knew what had to be done, and so did He Who Climbs Trees.
Leaving the fire in utter silence, he climbed to the mouth of the mountain. At the very edge, he turned around to look at the Elders one last time, his gaze piercing and chilling as the morning sea breeze and his dark form outlined against the glowing light of the Tribe Mother like a bird of prey waiting for nightfall.
Still intently staring at their faces, he made one step back and disappeared in the raging fires of the mountain, burning as intently as his hatred of them all.

nmillar has been lynched! He was He Who Climbs Trees (Mafia Ninja).

It is now night: no more posting in the thread. You have 48 hours to send me your choice of night actions by PM, making the deadline Tuesday 10 July, 5:00pm GMT.
The sun was born from the waves, and the creatures of the night returned to their dens. The women were singing songs of mourning, their sorrow louder than the roar of the sea.
The Elders came to the fire pit and blew life into the warm ashes. But one of their number did not come that day.
In the hut of He Who Listens to Trees, his son was crying over the body of a good man who was now lost to the tribe.

N0x0ss has been killed. He was He Who Listens to Trees, Town Vanilla.

Day Three has begun. With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
Lets make this short.

I am cop. Boct is scum.

Vote boct.

After that coaching from nmillar ti was hard not to investigate him so I did.
And before somone comes and tries to cast doubt on my sanity, I investigated planeshaper night 1 and got town, so, no, I know my results are certainly sane.
Its a bold move to come out with that if your lying and will almost be certain to get lynched

So I'll trust you enough to say

Vote boct

Also what made you investigate Planeshaper
Let's say I trust you for now.

vote boct

ViolatorX: Also what made you investigate Planeshaper
Also interested.
ViolatorX: Also what made you investigate Planeshaper
If you remember, I posted some time ago in discussion thread that optimal cop strategy is to investigate low profile players. The players I considered on day 1 were aylien, matti and planeshaper. I liked aylien's game so I ruled him out. The choice between matti and planeshaper was mostly gut feel. For his dice rolling and indecisiveness.
Votecount the Eleventh

boct1584: 3 votes (L-1). Voted by Vitek (#745), ViolatorX (#747) and IronStar (#748).

Not voting: JoeSapphire, boct1584 and GameRager.

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
And that's it. Game's over. Even if I somehow convinced you guys that Vitek was lying (he's not), you'd see upon lynch that he was telling the truth, and I'd be guaranteed to die tomorrow. Cardflip sucks.

Vote boct1584 to get this damn game over with.
Also, I'm pissed about matti being modkilled. If he was still around, you guys would likely have no idea he was Mafia, and he'd still have a chance.
I just got back in and saw that I was right/that NMillar was scum.......interesting......well at the very least town is doing a bit better now than before. I don't know whether to pursue anyone else yet, so i'll keep my vote on ViolatorX: Vote ViolatorX

Now I have to go back and read the last few pages(20 posts per page.). I will do so and try to post another post later today. Have fun in the meantime, everyone.
GameRager: Now I have to go back and read the last few pages(20 posts per page.). I will do so and try to post another post later today. Have fun in the meantime, everyone.
Read last page. Only new day. You don't have to read anything else.
boct1584: If he was still around, you guys would likely have no idea he was Mafia, and he'd still have a chance.
Except by the time I had to modkill him, he hadn't been around for ten days.

Votecount the Twelfth

boct1584: 4 votes (L-0). Voted by Vitek (#745), ViolatorX (#747), IronStar (#748) and boct1584 (#751).

Not voting: JoeSapphire and GameRager.

boct1584 has been lynched!
Lynch scene coming very soon.