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GameRager: His last post doesn't say much that makes him sound scummy....what's your justification?
He comes back, says he will read what happened, which should also mean that he will post something of ssubstance but instead he complains day later avbout inactivity.
JoeSapphire: What problems do you envisage?
This question was a genuine question, and I now address all with it.

Vitek: So why do you want to do it if you are trying to convince us it's harmless?
To me it seems like a good idea because:
-In the typical mafia games Our Zchinque describes here there was usually a trick to the characters. So forcing the mafia to claim may reveal something about their characters that link them.
-Forcing the mafia to falseclaim is probably a good idea as well as it gives them a chance to get confused and contradict themselves.
- I'ld like to compare everyone's names to X's to persue his CLAIM (which no-body has made a fuss about. FUSS guys! "Fuss and votes is the key to winning mafia" I heard a wise person once say I think it might have been Elizabeth Regent II!)
-it would be activity. Activity would PERHAPS stop fellas from complaining about the lack of activity

The possible harmful effects to town
-it may give away town's powerroles. But looking at the roles we've seen dead already that seems unlikely.
-there may be a mafia name-cop-who-knows-power-role's-names-but-not-who-they-are style role. But there won't be because this is a standard newbie game.
-And those are the two I can think of - have I missed anything?

N0x0ss: What I find weird is that only one person assumed from my act that I had a townie role who could've helped me determine that nmillar is scumm.
Didn't you start on Millar on day one before there had been a night phase?
JoeSapphire: What problems do you envisage?
JoeSapphire: This question was a genuine question, and I now address all with it.

Vitek: So why do you want to do it if you are trying to convince us it's harmless?
JoeSapphire: To me it seems like a good idea because:
-In the typical mafia games Our Zchinque describes here there was usually a trick to the characters. So forcing the mafia to claim may reveal something about their characters that link them.
-Forcing the mafia to falseclaim is probably a good idea as well as it gives them a chance to get confused and contradict themselves.
- I'ld like to compare everyone's names to X's to persue his CLAIM (which no-body has made a fuss about. FUSS guys! "Fuss and votes is the key to winning mafia" I heard a wise person once say I think it might have been Elizabeth Regent II!)
-it would be activity. Activity would PERHAPS stop fellas from complaining about the lack of activity

The possible harmful effects to town
-it may give away town's powerroles. But looking at the roles we've seen dead already that seems unlikely.
-there may be a mafia name-cop-who-knows-power-role's-names-but-not-who-they-are style role. But there won't be because this is a standard newbie game.
-And those are the two I can think of - have I missed anything?

N0x0ss: What I find weird is that only one person assumed from my act that I had a townie role who could've helped me determine that nmillar is scumm.
JoeSapphire: Didn't you start on Millar on day one before there had been a night phase?
Look, I'm a harsh player, this is my style. Doesn't make me dumber then the others or anything.... It's just a style. If there's a killer on the loose and I'm a villager, I'm gonna be harsh as hell.

Now we lost our doctor... And people suspected me because the doctor said he had a role and he suspected me. People also suspected me for defending Gameon, accusing us both from being mafia. They have the disgust of going as far as to say that I've befriended a townie just to clear my image as a mafia. Every occasion they have, be it dumb, they jump to treat me as mafia. Well I have an opinion, and no matter what nmillar might do to change that, I am still gonna believe him to be mafia, because HELL somebody gotta be mafia !

I'm still willing to sacrifice myself no matter what nmillar turns out to be, just for the sake of lynching nmillar, and people still complain that it is a mafia schame... You know what ?
"You have been chosen for the role of He Who Listens to Trees"
It really is scummy, huh ? Go and ask bazilisek if it truly is my name, I don't even know if he is allowed to certify.
N0x confirmed(In my mind.) for either scum or lyncher.
N0x0ss: I'm still willing to sacrifice myself no matter what nmillar turns out to be, just for the sake of lynching nmillar, and people still complain that it is a mafia schame... You know what ?
"You have been chosen for the role of He Who Listens to Trees"
It really is scummy, huh ? Go and ask bazilisek if it truly is my name, I don't even know if he is allowed to certify.
He isn't allowed to ceritfy.
It's not really what I had in mind but I suppose it's more information and it's essentially what I asked for so I sha'n't complain.
Still think more good can come from the others' names added to it.

Vitek: [Regarding IronStar]
He comes back, says he will read what happened, which should also mean that he will post something of ssubstance but instead he complains day later avbout inactivity.
This is very true. It's an aggressive form of lurking and should be discouraged.
Therefore unvote ViolatorX. Vote IronStar
Votecount the Eighth – should be correct now

IronStar: 3 votes (L-2). Voted by ViolatorX (#573), Vitek (#677) and JoeSapphire (#685).
ViolatorX: 2 votes (L-3). Voted by GameRager (#419) and nmillar (#541).
nmillar: 2 votes (L-3). Voted by IronStar (#366) and N0x0ss (#610).
N0x0ss: 1 vote (L-4). Voted by boct1584 (#438).

Everyone is voting. With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

Because it seems Joe has settled into the game comfortably by now, I'm setting a new deadline:
Unless there's a lynch, the day will end on Monday, 9 July, 8:00pm GMT.
Post edited July 03, 2012 by bazilisek
gosh I missed boct's vote I didn't mean to Lynch-1 anybody...

Still! Pressure!!
Violator, should you chose to retain your vote against Ironstar, I'll vote against you.

You could vote against nmillar instead, and I'll avoid voting against you.

While I believe nmillar to be scummier then you, I still believe you're scumier then Ironstar.
GameRager: His last post doesn't say much that makes him sound scummy....what's your justification?
Vitek: He comes back, says he will read what happened, which should also mean that he will post something of ssubstance but instead he complains day later avbout inactivity.
1st I feel retarded as I mist complete page, that's wht the comment about substance was there.

2nd Boct, during day 1, i jumped on couple of bandwagons to get the game going. Nolynch does nothing but restart day one w/o one townie. You need to lynch to get more information. I voted for Gazoinks for being so active in pointing out that he is town, as I find that behavior extremely scummy.

3rd N0x0ss I see what are you doing there, it's a smart move if you're mafia, and I'm not so sure how smart it is if you're town. Now, if mafia gets you tonight, people will lynch nmillar. If they don't get you, you get bonus scummines points, but that doesn't mean you don't have power role or you're 100% scum, it's just that mafia hopes townies will do their job instead.

4th How the f did I manage to miss boct's vote? *runs back to check*.

Substantial enough Vitek?
bazilisek: boct1584 (#670),
ah. That isn't a vote it's a Finger-of-Suspicion of sorts!

Threat-Bargaining there from N0x0ss. DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THAT GUYS.

Mafia favourites at this moment are Millar and Ironstar. Maybe Vitek.
Basically no justification for this.
vote Vitek
JoeSapphire: ah. That isn't a vote it's a Finger-of-Suspicion of sorts!
My apologies. I've amended the post; here's a new votecount to prevent any confusion:

Votecount the Ninth

nmillar: 2 votes (L-3). Voted by IronStar (#366) and N0x0ss (#610).
ViolatorX: 2 votes (L-3). Voted by GameRager (#419) and nmillar (#541).
IronStar: 2 votes (L-3). Voted by ViolatorX (#573) and Vitek (#677).
N0x0ss: 1 vote (L-4). Voted by boct1584 (#438).
Vitek: 1 vote (L-4). Voted by JoeSapphire (#690).

Everyone is voting. With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Post edited July 03, 2012 by bazilisek
The most important element the player possess is his/her vote... It's only natural to bargain.

I strongly believe Ironstar is townie, I don't think the previous mafia planned on going against Ironstar just to erase any suspicion.
I strongly believe in Ironstar's innocense, as I believe in Nmillar's scumness.

Anyway, if you intend on avoiding being lynched, I hope you'll do as I say, Violator.
JoeSapphire: To me it seems like a good idea because:
-In the typical mafia games Our Zchinque describes here there was usually a trick to the characters. So forcing the mafia to claim may reveal something about their characters that link them.
-Forcing the mafia to falseclaim is probably a good idea as well as it gives them a chance to get confused and contradict themselves.
- I'ld like to compare everyone's names to X's to persue his CLAIM (which no-body has made a fuss about. FUSS guys! "Fuss and votes is the key to winning mafia" I heard a wise person once say I think it might have been Elizabeth Regent II!)
-it would be activity. Activity would PERHAPS stop fellas from complaining about the lack of activity

The possible harmful effects to town
-it may give away town's powerroles. But looking at the roles we've seen dead already that seems unlikely.
-there may be a mafia name-cop-who-knows-power-role's-names-but-not-who-they-are style role. But there won't be because this is a standard newbie game.
-And those are the two I can think of - have I missed anything?
1. We already know some town names and mafia name too. We know one mafia had generic sounding role so they most likely have no reason to fake-claim. Why do you think they wwould need to false-claim?
2. We already know doctor's name and it doesn't sugggest PR all so it won't give away PRs.

So it won't most likely help with anything, ergo it's pointless. We have several wagons and this would only derail us.

But if you want it so much I am willing to participate on next Day. ;-)

@N0x0ss; Please summarise why is nmillar scum. I believe he, Violator or IronStar are best lynch and need to decide which one to choose. Right now I think one of them is scum and the other scum is either Joe or boct.
well I think there should be time for the claim, and I'ld like to know what everybody thinks about it and not just Vitek. (and gamerager and n0x0ss but it didn't read as dramatic if I included them in the sentence)

I don't mind waiting until tomorrow either.

But everybody should be saying what they think.
I don't think we need to panic just yet
Im going to have a full reread before making a decision
