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Now I am always inclined to believe a good claim and when I first read that I thought to myself I thought "He who paints in mud - just some guy who paints in the mud. nought to be suspicious of all very neat very nice."
AND THEN WELL When I read that bit about little Matti "He Who Wears Beads", it didn't seem so inconceivable that "He Who Paints in the Mud" could be a mafia too.
In fact in the heat of the moment I forged the theory that the mafias are the technologists of this non-civillised culture - He who wears beads - eschuing nakedness for garments is a sign of culture. Well creating artwork may be seen as a symbol of culture over wildness as well.
Yeah! I was just beginning to doubt myself before I mentioned wildness and it seemed to fit again.
Eats toads, badger on a stick, and doesn't like fish.
Well yeah it could be a case of the wild tribesmen VS the developing civilisation trying to get rid of the old ways NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT didn't it say something about people ignoring the Gods in the opening flavour let me check.

---okay no it didn't say that. Ah well.

Anyone strongly opposed to a mass name claim? Could be fun. Haven't really had a chance to do it for a while and seems like this game could be appropriate. The names we've seen seem cryptic enough with regard to role.


Boct - overtaken Ironstar as lurker Magnanimous. Behaviour both Scummy and Bad!

N0x - I believe this stubborn fiery fella to be town. Based on that he gives the impression of playing entirely for himself and I'm not sure he could manage that being part of the mafia team.
shown some poor reasoning (Not voting for one town player does not prove that you are town) but I think a mafia would hesitate to stick mafia neck out as much as N0x has stuck his out.

NMillar - as always NMillar gives off the scent of one who would eagerly commit murder. Not sure I trust you, Mr Millar you, when you say that you are trying to change game tactics. In the past you have been so assuredly confident in the success of your tactics. But this meta-reading seems not in the good spirits.
Maybe NMillar is playing a bit wishy-washy. NMillar may be scummy scum.

Mr Vitek - Claimed Mafia? Want to say leaning town but.
well he claimed mafia. it's just not right.

Gameragest - sort of has to be town because SOMEONE'S got to be. Yeah GameRager is giving off that whole "geniune" feeling this game. I'll allow him a town read.

Ironstar - Ah almost forgot you. Sorry. Seems to be posting just enough to be called active. Makes me slightly suspicious. I can't really bring to mind anything Ironstar has said but that might not really be his fault. Can I really blame him for that?

Gazoinks - why that guy's playstyle is undoubtebly, inarguably the townliest play I have ever seen in a mafia game.

SORRY FOR SO MUCH WRITING I KNOW how disheartening it can appear to have to read that much but please, if you've skimmed to the end and are reading this bit without reading the bit above, go back and give it a go I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Yous who read the whole thing now thank you so much hugsandkisses Joe.

POSTSCRIPT - name claim. howboutit?
"Gazoinks - why that guy's playstyle is undoubtebly, inarguably the townliest play I have ever seen in a mafia game. "

How conveniant I wanna say :-)

You do understand that whatever read you've got on Gazoinks will never be taken seriously.
So I really don't see the point in you giving a read about Gazoinks.

-Furthermore, I might have "poor reasoning skills" but ironically enough, you suspect the same 2 people I said I could/would vote against (Boct and Nmillar), so with your extremely powerful and super-human reasoning skills, you might have come to the same conclusions/impressions I have :-).

Don't critisize the methods when the results are nearly the same.

Ah...and I'm playing BY myself, because every person, is a potential scum in my eyes :-).

If you look at my past votes/decisions, never have I handicaped the townie's and I for one believe I made good calls (Defending Gameon, etc..)
I don't believe in ViolatorX's guilt for now... and I believe unlike others, that when/if ViolatorX is found innocent, people will come to trust my judgements.
N0x0ss: If you look at my past votes/decisions, never have I handicaped the townie's and I for one believe I made good calls (Defending Gameon, etc..)
I don't believe in ViolatorX's guilt for now... and I believe unlike others, that when/if ViolatorX is found innocent, people will come to trust my judgements.
No identifying town members isn't a way to earn trust in mafia game.
For this reason -

The only players who know who the town are are the mafia.

Saying "That was a town player getting lynched, and a mafia player would have known that and supported the lynch" could easily be a double bluff so that can't be trusted either.

This is the false reasoning I criticised: Not your methods for identifying mafia (which I can't really remember) but your proofs of your township. At this stage I say it's still impossible to prove oneself town.

(I dreamed about this game last night - turned out that N0x0ss was a town lyncher who had to be on NMillar's wagon and I was trying to think "so would bazilisek point a town lyncher at a mafia? but would he really pitch a townie against a townie in a newbie game? It seems really harsh-
waking up was a relief.)
Ahem, sorry guys, I was away from home for a few days...
Will read everything I missed ASAP
N0x0ss: If you look at my past votes/decisions, never have I handicaped the townie's and I for one believe I made good calls (Defending Gameon, etc..)
I don't believe in ViolatorX's guilt for now... and I believe unlike others, that when/if ViolatorX is found innocent, people will come to trust my judgements.
JoeSapphire: No identifying town members isn't a way to earn trust in mafia game.
For this reason -

The only players who know who the town are are the mafia.

Saying "That was a town player getting lynched, and a mafia player would have known that and supported the lynch" could easily be a double bluff so that can't be trusted either.

This is the false reasoning I criticised: Not your methods for identifying mafia (which I can't really remember) but your proofs of your township. At this stage I say it's still impossible to prove oneself town.

(I dreamed about this game last night - turned out that N0x0ss was a town lyncher who had to be on NMillar's wagon and I was trying to think "so would bazilisek point a town lyncher at a mafia? but would he really pitch a townie against a townie in a newbie game? It seems really harsh-
waking up was a relief.)
How did I look in your dream ? Was I a handsome prince :O ?
I just looked up lyncher mafia. I wonder if that's the setup would explain N0x's playstyle, but would OP truly resort to implementing such things in a newbie game of mafia? :\
N0x0ss: How did I look in your dream ? Was I a handsome prince :O ?
Oooh I don't know! I didn't really think about it until now but it wasn't very visual because obviously I only correspond with you guys over the internet so I have no visual or spatial awareness of you as people in any sense but in the dream you definitely had sort of spatial forms. kinda yellowish with green is how you looked
This is your last prod, gentlemen. If this game needs even more modkills to move forward, I will not hesitate.

(Though I would first try to replace you instead, because this is getting ridiculous.)
Post edited July 02, 2012 by bazilisek
Vitek: Gazoinks: What do you think of Violator's vote on you? Do you believe it is justified?
AS Gazionks' immediately effective replacement I shall answer this question.

So why did X vote for Gazoinks?
I suppose in some ways it is a fairly sensible vote, in that Gazoinks wasn't getting much attention. So to prevent him from 'going under radar' as we say one gives him a bit of attention.
Well I suppose it didn't really work because Gazoinks was entirely absent so it's difficult to apply the pressure.
Conversely another reason for voting a lurking/underradar player might be to create the illusion of doing something while trying to make as little action as possible.

To conclude, I can't say the vote is very specific. Interesting to think about but nothing can be said certainly about it. (Unless you are X hisself)

PS. mass name claim anybody? I'ld like to know what people think about it.
N0x0ss: How did I look in your dream ? Was I a handsome prince :O ?
JoeSapphire: Oooh I don't know! I didn't really think about it until now but it wasn't very visual because obviously I only correspond with you guys over the internet so I have no visual or spatial awareness of you as people in any sense but in the dream you definitely had sort of spatial forms. kinda yellowish with green is how you looked
It's exactly how I look ! I am a yellowish-green entity !
Vitek: Gazoinks: What do you think of Violator's vote on you? Do you believe it is justified?
JoeSapphire: AS Gazionks' immediately effective replacement I shall answer this question.

So why did X vote for Gazoinks?
I suppose in some ways it is a fairly sensible vote, in that Gazoinks wasn't getting much attention. So to prevent him from 'going under radar' as we say one gives him a bit of attention.
Well I suppose it didn't really work because Gazoinks was entirely absent so it's difficult to apply the pressure.
Conversely another reason for voting a lurking/underradar player might be to create the illusion of doing something while trying to make as little action as possible.

To conclude, I can't say the vote is very specific. Interesting to think about but nothing can be said certainly about it. (Unless you are X hisself)

PS. mass name claim anybody? I'ld like to know what people think about it.
I voted for Gaz due to the way he did an omgus vote on planeshaper and after writing that post didnt challenge what I said and just agreed with me before disappearing.

I think all the names in this game have zero significance to the result of whos who, but why not may generate some interest in the game.
So who's up for some posting today? Post post post, postity post.
GameRager: So who's up for some posting today? Post post post, postity post.
Never !
GameRager: So who's up for some posting today? Post post post, postity post.
N0x0ss: Never !
Only scum would want to not post, as posting keep the game alive and helps us find scum. I'm watching you. -_-
N0x0ss: Never !
GameRager: Only scum would want to not post, as posting keep the game alive and helps us find scum. I'm watching you. -_-
As if you're not watching me enough -_- ? Want me to post a picture of me, so you can print it and watch it all night young ?