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N0x0ss: You don't need my vote against ViolatorX... If it continues like this, he's gonna die once the delay is over.

I just hope that at the end of the delay, it turns out he is mafia.
I'm pretty sure he is, and if he turns out to be then i'm keeping an eye on you and NMillar for possible future voting.
ViolatorX: That sounds more scummy than anything that has been wrote in this game you blindly follow vitek and are openly persuading another player to join a bandwagon against me.

What reason did you have? Oh wait the same reason Vitek gave after I placed my fos on him.
Did any of you not think Ayliens decision to claim he has infomation and then disappear even remotely suspect? The lack of infomation I have about anyone draws me to pick up and delve upon such things.
I would have no need to fish as mafia as I would know who to go for. The lack of infomation would be beneficial unlike the situation we are in now.
But its a very poor deadline imo especially when the inactive players havent been addressed. All the active players bar 1 would have to vote a person for the lynch to go through.
As I said before I wasn't blindly following Vitek. I held similar views after your posts about Aylien, etc and was waiting for someone else to cast the first vote as I was still a tiny bit unsure.

As for persuading someone to also vote for you, well as N0xoss said you're pretty much going to be lynched unless votes change before Friday so why would I even bother persuading people to vote for you if I were scum and knew such(About the deadline/votecount/etc.)?
Aylien could have(As he claimed) thought he had info to share/could give out info based on a possible power role he might or might not have, and was either told by OP to not reveal his power role or info(If he did have one/some) for some reason, or he didn't have a power role/info to share & OP informed him of this so he decided to just forget what he said before & move on.

Or he has info and a power role and is hiding it because(As some said here.) scum target those they know for certain have power roles.
You'd need to fish(If you are scum.) to find out what townies had power roles, if any, so you could eliminate them.
OP feels, most likely, that the inactivity won't improve much anytime soon so he is giving us the utimate prod(so to speak) to get the game going and keep it alive.

Some here just seem to not be very interested in playing, and I(And op probably) feel no amount of extra time will help get more players voting/posting if they aren't already. I'm also p[retty sure OP is doing this to avoid modkilling en masse and possibly ruining the game in the process. As such, I favor this decision over mass modkilling due to inactivity or waiting forever for the most inactive players to respond.
GameRager: ---------------------------------
You'd need to fish(If you are scum.) to find out what townies had power roles, if any, so you could eliminate them.
OP feels, most likely, that the inactivity won't improve much anytime soon so he is giving us the utimate prod(so to speak) to get the game going and keep it alive.

Some here just seem to not be very interested in playing, and I(And op probably) feel no amount of extra time will help get more players voting/posting if they aren't already. I'm also p[retty sure OP is doing this to avoid modkilling en masse and possibly ruining the game in the process. As such, I favor this decision over mass modkilling due to inactivity or waiting forever for the most inactive players to respond.
GameRager: ---------------------------------
You'd need to fish(If you are scum.) to find out what townies had power roles, if any, so you could eliminate them.
OP feels, most likely, that the inactivity won't improve much anytime soon so he is giving us the utimate prod(so to speak) to get the game going and keep it alive.

Some here just seem to not be very interested in playing, and I(And op probably) feel no amount of extra time will help get more players voting/posting if they aren't already. I'm also p[retty sure OP is doing this to avoid modkilling en masse and possibly ruining the game in the process. As such, I favor this decision over mass modkilling due to inactivity or waiting forever for the most inactive players to respond.
Think about it though given the lack of activity by the players, what threat even is there to the mafia, If I am indeed lynched and we lose another town during the night we will be at LYLO.

Its easier for the Mafia just to lurk in the shadows and wait for us to kill eachother

Seeing as only about three people will respond till deadline I may as well claim

I am He Who Paints in the Mud (Town Vanilla)

I can do paintings in the mud with a stick what a vast talent to have.

The inactive players should be replaced or killed as the rules dictate, Its far easier for the mafia to win with less players playing.

I as an active townie dont want to die and I am going to have to jump on the bandwagon on him like he did on me so..

Unvote Matti1996 Vote Nmillar

Id much rather vote for Matti,Vitek,Gazoink,Aylien but time sadly isnt on my side and nobody can be bothered to play let alone vote.
I believe ViolatorX is already doomed but oh well ...

The game is at least getting a little bit interesting.

Vote nmillar

Things gives us 3 votes vs 3 ...

Remaining People are probably going to vote against ViolatorX
Heck, his avatar and name are against him, and subconcientially might lead people to fear him/ think he is scum.

And before you people say anything, i did not change my avatar for a mafia game reason, but because I want to honor the excellent Indie bundle V.
If my avatar still confuses you, then I'm willing to revert back to my tomb avatar.
Unvote ViolatorX.
OK, let's reply to this smart fellow:

Vitek: Vítek: Why are you so awesome? Why are you so sure Violator is scum?
I dunno, I just am.
1. He fished really hard for info he has no need to know while giving dubious explanation.
2. He downplayed votes he got as unimportant.
3. He said nmillar plays like scum but he think he is town.
4. As example why is nmillar not scum and what would he do as scum he given actions that nmilalr actually did.
5. He said matti is scum if IronStar is but he voted matti. He claims he stated suspicion of matti before but refuses to point out where.
6. He used ad homs to avoid responding to my questions.
7. He avoids responding to my quiestions repeatedly.
8. He started to push only viable wagon to his own when he learned he doesn't need to be lynched to die.
9. He pushes wagon on someone who he put as leaning town recently only to avoid his own death.

have I forgotten something? Feel free to remind me.

How is this not good lynch?

@N0x0ss: GameRager is my press agent form now on. Most of things he said are my opinion too.
N0x0ss, you are acting terribly. You claim you won't support any case made but someone else because they are weak but yet you still push your case against nmillar. Most players said it is weak but you never stopped and asked yourself if it really is. You presented no new evidences and you cling on something even you can't possibly believe now. You became obssessed with it and I think you don't even care whether he is scum or not.
Then you are appealling on GameRager and saying he is not with you anymore but instead he is with me against you, which you should know is total bullshit. I thought most of the game that you are townie and as I understand it GameRager did too. So we are against you only because we don't want to vote same person as you do? But we have no reason to. You have outdated case that was rejected long time ago. Almost everyone understands this but you refuse to see it.
On the other hand you did a lot of scummy thing and only thing that makes me not vote you is that your actions doesn't make sense as mafia.

@nmillar: WTF? Reasons, dude!
Unvote nmillar
Can someone explain to me what is going on here?
I have my personal reasons, and Vitek did not convince me of anything, let this be clear.
Vitek: snip
Im not avoiding your questions I dont have the time to address your inability to put two and two together
N0x0ss: I have my personal reasons, and Vitek did not convince me of anything, let this be clear.
Yeah, let it be clear, he is not letting anyone to influence his opinion.

ViolatorX: Im not avoiding your questions I dont have the time to address your inability to put two and two together
You had time to make 4 posts yesterday, 2 of them quite long and you don't have time to adress someone voting you? Nice.
N0x0ss: I have my personal reasons, and Vitek did not convince me of anything, let this be clear.
Vitek: Yeah, let it be clear, he is not letting anyone to influence his opinion.

ViolatorX: Im not avoiding your questions I dont have the time to address your inability to put two and two together
Vitek: You had time to make 4 posts yesterday, 2 of them quite long and you don't have time to adress someone voting you? Nice.
I'm a stubborn goat, and you're better off without a townie like me. After all, I'm leading you all down a pitfall, am I not?
Vitek: I dunno, I just am.
1. He fished really hard for info he has no need to know while giving dubious explanation.
2. He downplayed votes he got as unimportant.
3. He said nmillar plays like scum but he think he is town.
4. As example why is nmillar not scum and what would he do as scum he given actions that nmilalr actually did.
5. He said matti is scum if IronStar is but he voted matti. He claims he stated suspicion of matti before but refuses to point out where.
6. He used ad homs to avoid responding to my questions.
7. He avoids responding to my quiestions repeatedly.
8. He started to push only viable wagon to his own when he learned he doesn't need to be lynched to die.
9. He pushes wagon on someone who he put as leaning town recently only to avoid his own death.
Sigh just to please you then although I have already stated this

1. He dangled a carrot in front of the town and then retracted it, yet only myself picks it up I wanted to know what and WHY he did that. Day one was ruined by the gameon and that left us another townie town and we still dont know a thing.

2.I got a vote from someone I FOS'd and a follower. You were leaning scum for weeks now so your vote was "expected" and I havent really been able to take gamerager seriously(no offense) till the last few days where he has actually been playing a game.

3.Nmillar has only been scum in a game I MADE him be scum, but he is being more vague unlike he usual crusade of people, Is this enough of a belief to make him scum. Though I would like from him a larger reasoning of why Ironstar is scummy and he response to the situation.

4.Nmillar likes to press on people through the entire day if he believes they are scum. Instead he started the day pressing on Ironstar which I believe he would have pressed on him to he did a full reaction. He has rode the storm of posts against him very well.

5.As I stated I think Mattis defence of Ironstar was ooc from his point of view, considering its the only thing he contributed I wanted to know WHY he defended him. I stated at the end of 398 I was to vote for him and he DIDNT SAY ANYTHING, hence guess what I voted for him.

6.I used ad homs as I often do in arguements to promote an emotional respose, Its nothing personal and you are probably one of my favourite members on this forum, was deliberate to gain some response from at least someone.

7.Ive answered them before and I have now expended further.

8.Stupid deadline and rule leaves me little choice in the matter, life or death makes the matter more urgant.

9.Im a townie and as I have stated in games beforehand, I believe looking after number one as a priority. I learnt the lesson in game 5 not to stick my head out for my aligned group dispite my thoughts. That would also be pretty stupid as us townies are in a pretty poor state, we know nothing and half the people arnet playing.

Why havent I voted for Boct: He imo hasnt posted anything to tip the scale in either direction. He was an early fos for being rather pedantic about the whole card flip. Though again thats a flimsy reasoning.

Im working from home today and in a good mood so feel free to ask me anything else.

And as im here

Matti,Alyien,Gazoinks please play the game thank you. Its frustrating to see only half the players contributing.
Vitek: @nmillar: WTF? Reasons, dude!
I want to see if N0x0ss actually carries through with his suicide promise. :)

ViolatorX: 3.Nmillar has only been scum in a game I MADE him be scum, but he is being more vague unlike he usual crusade of people, Is this enough of a belief to make him scum. Though I would like from him a larger reasoning of why Ironstar is scummy and he response to the situation.

4.Nmillar likes to press on people through the entire day if he believes they are scum. Instead he started the day pressing on Ironstar which I believe he would have pressed on him to he did a full reaction. He has rode the storm of posts against him very well.
This is where I can't really win. People have criticised me now in several games for my gung-ho style of continually pressing someone until they crack, but any time I choose to try and adapt my play-style, I'm criticised because this isn't the way I normally play.

I'd be quite happy to continue pressing IronStar all day every day, though a couple of other potential suspects have come to the fore in the past couple of days.

ViolatorX and IronStar have both been guilty of what appears to be role-fishing, N0x0ss refuses to share his reads and boct1584 made that early slip by complaining that "card-flip" favours town.
I think you guys are putting to much reading in Boct1584's silly comment about town being favored.

He just stated what was on his mind at the time, thinking about the game as a player and not necessarily as a towni. You shouldn't read that much into it...
If he were indeed mafia, every message he'd post would be thought over I believe, more so if he's new to the game, as being afraid of making whatever mistake...etc.

I won't share my reads, and I am a man of my words, I will commit suicide once you're lynched.
If you happen to be killed before though, If you are indeed town that is, I'll leave it out to the players to decide of my fate :-) .