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N0x0ss: Do we really want ViolatorX to be lynched ?

I for one won't have his blood on my hands.
Not for this round at least.. Doesn't seem scummy to me.
GameRager: But you'll gladly have NMillar's blood on your hands for what seem like flimsy reasons at best?
And willing to get lynched for it if I got it wrong.
IronStar: Trying to get them modkilled?
Just hopeing rule 11 is followed, this game is in need of a full set of players posting.
GameRager: But you'll gladly have NMillar's blood on your hands for what seem like flimsy reasons at best?
N0x0ss: And willing to get lynched for it if I got it wrong.
If NMillar is town and you are town, why would we want to kill off two town? It wouldn't make any sense......unless NMillar is scum and you've agreed he will be offed to hide your scum role so you can go on to win the game?

IronStar: Trying to get them modkilled?
ViolatorX: Just hopeing rule 11 is followed, this game is in need of a full set of players posting.
I completely agree with you.
IronStar: Trying to get them modkilled?
ViolatorX: Just hopeing rule 11 is followed, this game is in need of a full set of players posting.
Yeah, indeed it does....
N0x0ss: And willing to get lynched for it if I got it wrong.
GameRager: If NMillar is town and you are town, why would we want to kill off two town? It wouldn't make any sense......unless NMillar is scum and you've agreed he will be offed to hide your scum role so you can go on to win the game?

How about that, if Nmillar is lynched, no-matter what he turns out to be, I leave the game by committing suicide after his lynch. Does it suit you ?

That way, even if he is mafia, I abandon the game.
GameRager: If NMillar is town and you are town, why would we want to kill off two town? It wouldn't make any sense......unless NMillar is scum and you've agreed he will be offed to hide your scum role so you can go on to win the game?

N0x0ss: How about that, if Nmillar is lynched, no-matter what he turns out to be, I leave the game by committing suicide after his lynch. Does it suit you ?

That way, even if he is mafia, I abandon the game.
Your newest comment tells me you might be scum and you're just trying to seem as town-like as possible to avoid being lynched.

In your original offer to let yourself be lynched if NMillar was lynched and found to be town:

If NMillar turns out to be town and he is lynched, then we're out one town....and i'm guessing that any rational townie would try to deter any future deaths(As they might be town and needed to help win the game)so they most likely wouldn't lynch you after such happened(Unless they knew for certain if you were scum.).

In your new offer to suicide if we lynch NMIllar and he turns out to be town: Most players would likely tell you "Oh no, don't suicide, that'll ruin the game." after what happened with Gameon.

In either case, if you are in fact scum, you have an easy out to avoid fulfilling your offers(In the former mentioned case above the players probably wouldn't lynch you after lynching Nmillar for the above reasons, etc....and in the latter case you could say "Ok, I won't suicide to keep the game going, etc." after people asked you not to to avoid breaking the game.).

In one more case: If Nmillar turned out to be scum & we lynched him then it'd be even better for you as you'd be justified in your accusations and would also have an out from having to/needing to fulfill your offers which you made earlier. This would(If you're scum) offer you a great opportunity to avoid being labelled by scum for most of the rest of the game, giving you a marked advantage. I wonder if you're that smart a player though, and indeed scum playing us for fools, or just a town that doesn't know how to play right yet. Hmm.....
N0x0ss: How about that, if Nmillar is lynched, no-matter what he turns out to be, I leave the game by committing suicide after his lynch. Does it suit you ?

That way, even if he is mafia, I abandon the game.
GameRager: Your newest comment tells me you might be scum and you're just trying to seem as town-like as possible to avoid being lynched.

In your original offer to let yourself be lynched if NMillar was lynched and found to be town:

If NMillar turns out to be town and he is lynched, then we're out one town....and i'm guessing that any rational townie would try to deter any future deaths(As they might be town and needed to help win the game)so they most likely wouldn't lynch you after such happened(Unless they knew for certain if you were scum.).

In your new offer to suicide if we lynch NMIllar and he turns out to be town: Most players would likely tell you "Oh no, don't suicide, that'll ruin the game." after what happened with Gameon.

In either case, if you are in fact scum, you have an easy out to avoid fulfilling your offers(In the former mentioned case above the players probably wouldn't lynch you after lynching Nmillar for the above reasons, etc....and in the latter case you could say "Ok, I won't suicide to keep the game going, etc." after people asked you not to to avoid breaking the game.).

In one more case: If Nmillar turned out to be scum & we lynched him then it'd be even better for you as you'd be justified in your accusations and would also have an out from having to/needing to fulfill your offers which you made earlier. This would(If you're scum) offer you a great opportunity to avoid being labelled by scum for most of the rest of the game, giving you a marked advantage. I wonder if you're that smart a player though, and indeed scum playing us for fools, or just a town that doesn't know how to play right yet. Hmm.....
How about I just commit suicide no matter what ?

I'm proposing something to move the game along, while you just pass your time speculating and trying to bring confusion :). Tell me please, what are YOU doing to get the game moving, other then questioning my every move ?

I'm willing to abandon the game no matter what after nmillar's lynch because either way I would've done what I precisely had set myself to do as an objective.

My objective, no matter what is to get nmillar out of the game, even if He brings me down with him. Might cost us townies the game, but I prefer choosing my lynched victim, rather then time running out and having a random guy be killed just because he unfortunately had the most votes.
I might sound selfish, but I don't really care about others, and we're already down 2 men, so either i take my chances or the game is lost.
GameRager: If NMillar is town and you are town, why would we want to kill off two town? It wouldn't make any sense......unless NMillar is scum and you've agreed he will be offed to hide your scum role so you can go on to win the game?

N0x0ss: How about that, if Nmillar is lynched, no-matter what he turns out to be, I leave the game by committing suicide after his lynch. Does it suit you ?

That way, even if he is mafia, I abandon the game.
Why the hell on earth would you do that? o.O
N0x0ss: How about that, if Nmillar is lynched, no-matter what he turns out to be, I leave the game by committing suicide after his lynch. Does it suit you ?

That way, even if he is mafia, I abandon the game.
IronStar: Why the hell on earth would you do that? o.O
Because I'm getting tired of this game, and just wanted to see if my instincts were right.
I WILL BE KILLING MYSELF if Nmillar get lynched, no matter what you guys might say, you have my word on it. If Nmillar doesn't get lynched, then I'll keep playing only to vote against him.


I might cost townies the game, but sofar nobody has made a single viable argument against another person, even if we lose, it's just a game, not the end of the world.
And i'm sure you won't hate me till the end of the world for it.
N0x0ss: How about I just commit suicide no matter what ?

I'm proposing something to move the game along, while you just pass your time speculating and trying to bring confusion :). Tell me please, what are YOU doing to get the game moving, other then questioning my every move ?
I'm willing to abandon the game no matter what after nmillar's lynch because either way I would've done what I precisely had set myself to do as an objective.

My objective, no matter what is to get nmillar out of the game, even if He brings me down with him. Might cost us townies the game, but I prefer choosing my lynched victim, rather then time running out and having a random guy be killed just because he unfortunately had the most votes.
I might sound selfish, but I don't really care about others, and we're already down 2 men, so either i take my chances or the game is lost.
I could care less what you do......I just won't vote for someone just because someone says "Lynch x person because I say we should." without giving a good /convincing reason. If you die/suicide and are scum then town gets a boon. If you're town then we're out one more town, but we can still manage if we play it right.
Why try moving the game along or do stuff to accomplish such when OP has stated we have 3 days until the "day" ends and the game moves forward anyways?

Also as for questioning your EVERY move.....well this IS mafia....we're kinda sorta SUPPOSED to question other player's every move. :P
Hmm, so you're claiming to be a townie yet don't care if we lose? Odd.
So you won't care if I do kill myself. And you're suppose to make me feel miserable during this game.

I can now kill myself without regret. Noted :-)
IronStar: Why the hell on earth would you do that? o.O
I don't think he will....if he's scum he's possibly trying to use gameon's suicide and the backwash(backlash?) that followed to make us an offer we can(And most likely will) refuse.

I mean, who'd want to risk breaking the game by encouraging him to do so?

Well I did, but I did so more to call his bluff than anything else. Plus I think he may be scum and am willing to let him off himself(If he even does it.) if it means us town get a boon to winning the game in the future.
N0x0ss: Because I'm getting tired of this game, and just wanted to see if my instincts were right.
I WILL BE KILLING MYSELF if Nmillar get lynched, no matter what you guys might say, you have my word on it. If Nmillar doesn't get lynched, then I'll keep playing only to vote against him.


I might cost townies the game, but sofar nobody has made a single viable argument against another person, even if we lose, it's just a game, not the end of the world.
And i'm sure you won't hate me till the end of the world for it.
You KNEW this game had a longish time commitment when you joined & you get easily tired of such games(Or so you claim.), yet you signed up anyways? Honestly?
I don't think you'll do it.

BTW why did you bold the single word Nmillar?
I think I and Vitek made a good points against ViolatorX earlier with his seemingly obvious attempts at role fishing, for one. Why not join in and vote for him as well and then go back to voting for Nmillar? Tell you what, you made an offer so i'll make one: You vote or ViolatorX now, and after Friday i'll vote for NMillar...sound fair?

Also even if it's a game i'd think(If you're on either side.) that you'd want us to have fun and not have the game broken due to you doing such a stupid thing.
You don't need my vote against ViolatorX... If it continues like this, he's gonna die once the delay is over.

I just hope that at the end of the delay, it turns out he is mafia.
IronStar: Why the hell on earth would you do that? o.O
GameRager: I don't think he will....if he's scum he's possibly trying to use gameon's suicide and the backwash(backlash?) that followed to make us an offer we can(And most likely will) refuse.

I mean, who'd want to risk breaking the game by encouraging him to do so?

Well I did, but I did so more to call his bluff than anything else. Plus I think he may be scum and am willing to let him off himself(If he even does it.) if it means us town get a boon to winning the game in the future.
N0x0ss: Because I'm getting tired of this game, and just wanted to see if my instincts were right.
I WILL BE KILLING MYSELF if Nmillar get lynched, no matter what you guys might say, you have my word on it. If Nmillar doesn't get lynched, then I'll keep playing only to vote against him.


I might cost townies the game, but sofar nobody has made a single viable argument against another person, even if we lose, it's just a game, not the end of the world.
And i'm sure you won't hate me till the end of the world for it.
GameRager: You KNEW this game had a longish time commitment when you joined & you get easily tired of such games(Or so you claim.), yet you signed up anyways? Honestly?
I don't think you'll do it.

BTW why did you bold the single word Nmillar?
I think I and Vitek made a good points against ViolatorX earlier with his seemingly obvious attempts at role fishing, for one. Why not join in and vote for him as well and then go back to voting for Nmillar? Tell you what, you made an offer so i'll make one: You vote or ViolatorX now, and after Friday i'll vote for NMillar...sound fair?

Also even if it's a game i'd think(If you're on either side.) that you'd want us to have fun and not have the game broken due to you doing such a stupid thing.
That sounds more scummy than anything that has been wrote in this game you blindly follow vitek and are openly persuading another player to join a bandwagon against me.

What reason did you have? Oh wait the same reason Vitek gave after I placed my fos on him.

Did any of you not think Ayliens decision to claim he has infomation and then disappear even remotely suspect? The lack of infomation I have about anyone draws me to pick up and delve upon such things.

I would have no need to fish as mafia as I would know who to go for. The lack of infomation would be beneficial unlike the situation we are in now.

But its a very poor deadline imo especially when the inactive players havent been addressed. All the active players bar 1 would have to vote a person for the lynch to go through.