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Why I'm happy with the result, I do condemn the method...

Better put a grade on every participant, reflecting your suspicion about him / her

for instance :

Vitek (100 - 2 because of the remark made by n0x0ss + 1 because of his partially convincing reply ) = 99
Gazoinks (100 - 5 because of his constant uncertainty = 95 etc...)

Please note that these are just examples and do not reflect my actual impressions on previously stated people.
Hm, it's vaguely (very vaguely) suspicious that Planeshaper's die turned up nmillar. What if he's mafia who's either supporting his scumbuddy or just wants to get nmillar out of the picture? Again, not branding this as a theory because it's not particularly likely. Just pointing it out.
Gazoinks: Hm, it's vaguely (very vaguely) suspicious that Planeshaper's die turned up nmillar. What if he's mafia who's either supporting his scumbuddy or just wants to get nmillar out of the picture? Again, not branding this as a theory because it's not particularly likely. Just pointing it out.
You might very well be the most undecided person on earth, you know that ?
Planeshaper: I'm really not sure where to go, because anyone could be mafia, but anyone could be town...
as such, one of the few things I can trust, is that my dice will be random.

My dice say that we should lynch Nmilar.
Of course, if I see something that gives me a good reason to vote for someone else, I'll change my mind, but for now, whatever.
We've got at least some information from the proceedings, and you're just rolling a dice to place a vote? Not even trying to analyze what's been said and done? What the hell.
Planeshaper: I'm really not sure where to go, because anyone could be mafia, but anyone could be town...
as such, one of the few things I can trust, is that my dice will be random.

My dice say that we should lynch Nmilar.
Of course, if I see something that gives me a good reason to vote for someone else, I'll change my mind, but for now, whatever.
boct1584: We've got at least some information from the proceedings, and you're just rolling a dice to place a vote? Not even trying to analyze what's been said and done? What the hell.
Don't blame him, that's a smart dice he has ...
Gazoinks: Hm, it's vaguely (very vaguely) suspicious that Planeshaper's die turned up nmillar. What if he's mafia who's either supporting his scumbuddy or just wants to get nmillar out of the picture? Again, not branding this as a theory because it's not particularly likely. Just pointing it out.
N0x0ss: You might very well be the most undecided person on earth, you know that ?
Yes, yes I do. The problem is that I'm nervous about playing aggressively because I don't want to look scummy and I'd feel guilty if I helped out a mislynch. Also, I'm just not a very accusing person in general.
boct1584: And after receiving an angry PM from him, I belatedly realize that was a bit tactless. gameon, I apologize for saying you were an idiot. Perhaps the better way to put it would be that you didn't seem to be trying very hard.
You are not the first person to recieve it. :-/
boct1584: New question is: What does his alignment tell us about what he was saying, and about who voted for him? At the risk of repeating myself, cardflip was NEVER used when I played at Bemanistyle and DDR Freak.
And this is why it's not same as lynch. You ask what does it tell us about people voting him and it's valid question. If he was lynched you could question vote of much more people than after his stupid revelation.

N0x0ss: Now Vitek, care to explain something to me ?

I might not be the smarter person here, but please do tell me ....

I've did my research, and Nmillar and you have been playing several mafia games on this very forum, together.
Yet I don't see any kind of contact between you 2, It's as if you're deliberatly trying to avoid talking to each-others directly, or keep these kind of inter-action as limited as possible,
We adressed each other. I even made post somehere about hm, IIRC. And isn't me talking about him with you contact too? I certainly had less contact with several other players (Violator, matti, planeshaper, boct, ayilen) and you don't mind it.

N0x0ss: Now please tell me, Why, instead of cornering Nmillar more to try and find out if he indeed is townie by putting pressure on him, you automatically takes his defense, but in a way that is very subtle ...
Hm I am defending him mostly because I thing you are barking at wrong tree and I think you are town so I would be more happy if you also tried to direct your enthusiasm elsewhere. You tunnelon him incredibly. You say gameon's town-flip does make players on his wagon susupicious but it is true only for nmillar, not for boct and Violator. So you are using something as a case against him but you are forgiving it to others.

N0x0ss: Why are there 2 experienced players whom have previously played against each-other, learned each-others techniques, making it look like they barely know each-others ?

Am I the only one who finds it suspicious ?
Isn't he the 1st person you should logically suspect ?
Do you have additional insights we don't have ?
Maybe because we know what to expect from each other and thus nothing that the other has done forced us to scrutinize him more deeply?
People keep repeating how there is nothing to work with and now you are saying it looks bad we haven't attacked each other only because we have played together before.

Gazoinks gained 10 scum points for trying to not appear scummy. Mafia needs to concern themselves with this, town should care only for catching scum.
Planeshaper gained 4 scum points because he is trying to get rid of his responsibility.
oh no! not scum points! D:

really, the die roll is just becuase I'm indescisive, and don't have time to analyze posts right now.
The sun was almost reaching the murderous embrace of that terrible lover, the boundless ocean, and the Elders could not decide. Who should be the one to calm the ireful God? But then suddenly, Badger on a Stick (gameon) swiftly stood up, his eyes glinting wildly in the weakening sunlight.
Do not listen to the gods, he cried. They hold no sway over our lives, and their hollow words echo with falsehoods and broken promises! Tāwhiritike is our mother and her fiery temper is no threat to us!
Having spoken, he turned away from the fire and hurried towards the yawning mouth of the Fire Mountain. He ran to the edge, he leapt, and he was no more.
The Elders shrugged their shoulders. Badger on a Stick, they said.
They rose from the dying embers of the fire and returned to the village for the night. The council will continue tomorrow.

Gameon has been modkilled. He was Badger on a Stick, Town Vanilla.

It is now night: do not post in the thread. It's the weekend, so in order to give everyone enough time, the new day will start somewhat later than usual, Tuesday morning European time. You have until then to send me your night actions to perform (if you have any) by PM.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by bazilisek
The village woke. A breeze was coming from the ocean, rustling the leaves of the trees and the hair of the tribe's children.
On the ground in front of his hut, The One Who Eats Toads (Planeshaper) was lying, slain by an unknown hand. The jackals had found him in the night, eating their fill from a good man slaughtered by the darkness hiding in the tribe.
The Elders rekindled the fire, their heads heavy with thought. For the good of their people, the murderers must be stopped. And the Gods must have their sacrifice.

Planeshaper has been killed. He was The One Who Eats Toads, Town Vanilla.

Day Two has begun. With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
Post edited June 05, 2012 by bazilisek
Well... that's a shocker ...
Well, it will probably sound like boasting and it will be probably scummy, but I have to say it anyway.
Now I will sit here silently and will watch you all as you try to analyse this nightkill.

Also vote IronStar. Nothing changed since Day 1.
So quick question from a newb, are we allowed to discuss our roles here in the forum? I mean obviously you're probably not going to believe a word I say, but I'd still like to bounce a few ideas around if possible =)
aylien: So quick question from a newb, are we allowed to discuss our roles here in the forum? I mean obviously you're probably not going to believe a word I say, but I'd still like to bounce a few ideas around if possible =)
From what I've read, yes. Just keep in mind that it can make you a mafia target and it'll make you suspicious if your role seems fabricated.

In other news, my suspicions of Planeshaper are cleared. >.> Not sure if we can really gather any other info from this.
aylien: So quick question from a newb, are we allowed to discuss our roles here in the forum? I mean obviously you're probably not going to believe a word I say, but I'd still like to bounce a few ideas around if possible =)
Gazoinks: From what I've read, yes. Just keep in mind that it can make you a mafia target and it'll make you suspicious if your role seems fabricated.

In other news, my suspicions of Planeshaper are cleared. >.> Not sure if we can really gather any other info from this.
Ah, so, mafia might start targeting me because of my role? Hmm, decisions decisions...

To clarify, what roles are there in this game of Mafia, other then Town Vanilla? And how many of each?