Aignur: Given the nature of the GOG community, this might piss a few people off.
It seems almost everyone around here loves adventure games, and will play almost any adventure game, no matter what it is. I hate them though.
In my opinion, the adventure game genre was born from the limitations of PCs in the late 80's and early to mid 90's. A lot of great ideas were impossible to turn into games back then, but something that was possible was to make games that only featured a few moving characters, static backgrounds and talking. Adventure games, in other words.
However, with the advancement of computer technology, adventure games should have died. There are much better ways to tell stories through games nowadays. And I absolutely hate that the genre will not die, and let other and better genres tell their great stories.
With that said, a few select games from the golden age of Lucas Arts are among my favourites - Sam & Max Hit the Road, the first two Monkey Island games (I loathe the rest of'em) and the Indiana Jones games.
Something for your mind to entertain. What if some people enjoy the limitations of adventure games? The kind of people who enjoy slow paced and simple? The kind of people who would flee from faster paced and more complicated games in horror? I'm not one of those people, of course. Hellz no. LOL Adventure games put me to sleep.