overread: That's a very bad way to define art - you'll suddenly lose a great many works of art which were made for many reasons; art being the least of which in the creators mind. Further you'll get a whole load of tripe that isn't art, but the creator thought/hoped/wanted to make art when they were creating it.
Like I said before - art shouldn't be judged on why it was made, but upon the final work itself. We can judge and measure that - mostly everything else that comes to result in its creation shouldn't have any effect on how we judge its artistic appeal.
And who are you, or anyone else, to judge what's art and what's not?
According to which universal standard do you measure whether something's art?
What are any objective qualities that make some works "tripe" and others "art"?
There aren't any, art history shows us that the definition of art, what's accepted as art by a society changes as time passes.
Therefore, the perception of art can only be be subjective, and as such, no one's opinion is more valuable than the rest.
Which means nobody has the right to dismiss something as "not art" if somebody else thinks it is, except for themselves. That makes art a very personal thing, which is probably why people get so passionate about it.
Personally, I'll say I have a hard time accepting much of modern sculpture, for instance, as art. It seems more like random bits and ends cobbled together, to me. Yet the artist and many other people obviously feel differently.
Which means I'll accept their opinion, as long as I don't have to pretend to share it.
bazilisek: - If a man hacking in fury at a block of wood, Stephen continued, make there an image of a cow, is that image a work of art? If not, why not?
James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1914.
Yes, this is a very old debate.
Oh, I agree that it wasn't an original thought. Still, it's probably the only way we can get a definition of art that respects everyone's opinion.