N0x0ss: Do they have any other option then to hope for the best ?
Paul_cz: So you're suggesting that the french people "wake up" and stop voting for the same two parties that keep deceiving them ?
Well the third party that got the highest score is the nationalist party "extreme droite" of Mr Lepen and daughter. If we follow your strategy, the french should maybe vote for them, since they seem favored after the other two, and they have been rising in popularity for the past decade ?
Well if that's the case, Byebye E.U , byebye cheap french products in germany, and byebye strangers in France.
You'd really think it's best that a party that has no experience whatsoever in ruling a country takes over in a time of crisis ? One of their main objective is raise the importance of the french marine army to it's former glory.... How useful it is in a time of peace and economic crisis. Not to mension the costs of doing so.
It's clear that the only two parties that can save the national situation are in different ways the Socialist and Capitalist party.
The Capitalist party might find a way to encourage buisness and entreprises implantations (Not only national entreprises but also foreign buisnesses) and inject money in the country.
The Socialist party prefers to heal directly the people by sharing the money of the rich, and since it's the workers that suffered the most from the recession, it's perfect for them.
Now these are the 2 options.. It's neither the Nationalist ideas or the Eva Joly's Green party that's gonna save the situation of France.
We even had a candidate who planned a travel to Mars (Not that I critisize the Idea, Kennedy promised the moon after all and he delivered, may he rest in peace)
but really ... Mr Cheminade, Mars at a time like this ?? Even if it's for the future, thinking about it, when you must focalize strictly on the crisis at hand is a little bit silly.
So yes, They do only have 2 options. And they are the best options.
Well, repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity, that is what french demonstrated. Both those that voted Sarkozy, and those that voted socialism. Sadly.