Hosting list (finally) updated. As far as I noticed, only Damuna had signed up. If you have signed up and I've missed you, please let me know. If you also link me to the post where you signed up, I will be a happy camper.
Zchinque: Didn't Scum's newbie games use to be 7 players?
Anyway, since you ask, I think that 12-man games are better. :)
Vitek: Yeah it usexd to but according to
, more precisely[url=]this mafiascum uses 9 palyer setup for some time and I figured it could be optimal.
I figured you prefer 12-players gane but why do you think it's better?
Sorry, I hadn't noticed this question until now.
To be fair, the main reason is probably that the site I used to play on had 12-man newbie games, so that's where I started, and that's what I used to. ;)
Butt, taking a step back and looking at it:
-12-man games means there are three mafia rather than two, which again means there are more connections between players to look for. It also lessens the impact of a fluke day 1 mafia lynch, which can be pretty crippling if there are only two mafia to begin with.
-There's room for a bit more power on both teams, and I think new players should learn to both play with and play around power roles right from the off.
-Most non-newbie games are at least 12 players, and the dynamics differ between game sizes, Again, I think it is useful for new players to build experience in scenarios they are more likely to encounter in non-newbie games as well.