ViolatorX: I have several scenerios in my head though I think I would need 15 players instead of 12
That sounds good.. no firm rule it has to be 12 anyway, but did you /in to mod yet so Zchinque knows to update the opening mod queue? :)
Khalaq: Well, I would probably have been involved in all of this at an earlier stage, but this is the first time I've ever heard of this game. After reading a few threads in the forums, I went to Wiki and looked it up. Now that I know what it's all about, I am interested in playing in the next available game. (As an innocent, I hope. I'm totally new to the game.)
I wonder how many other "potential players" there are in the GOG community who are simply unaware of the game?
Pretty much all of us started that way hehe. And welcome!