I couldn't stand his face nor voice for more than 30 seconds. If the guy has something to say, why doesn't he simply write it down to a blog? It is much easier and faster for me to get the gist of it that way, rather than getting out my headphones at work etc. And I bet I can read faster than he can talk (understandably, not referring to Busta Rhymes and such).
This goes to all the other "talking head"-videos in Youtube too, not just that guy.
As for feminism (and many other political movements and shit), it is hard to discuss in an international arena, as its meaning differ all over the world. I definitely don't oppose the feminist movement in e.g. Saudi-Arabia or many poor countries, but I could argue that some so called feminists in e.g. Nordic countries are a bit... unreasonable.
Same goes to e.g. the religion/atheism debates. I never get it why it is so hardcore in e.g. US, religious nuts and atheists both appearing quite extreme and at each others' throats. I don't see similar phenomenon here, they seem to get along quite fine and tolerate each other (even sitting in the same government, e.g. like now the Green Party and the Christian Party), save for some trolling campaigns like "come here to exchange any of your religions publications (including bibles etc.) for pron magazines".
EDIT: And no, I don't expect myself to write more to this thread. I think that's (above) is all I can say about the subject(s).