moonfear: hmm favorfite ethanol-infused anything ?
Beer, czech beer, only beer on world which is real beer :) (and sometimes hoegarden)
I do not like vine, but anything else is ok.
Burning things, anything that can burn is my cup of tea, valachian slivovitz (aprox. 50%, slovakian "tea" (aprox 70-80% like absinths but not so sweet) good reposado tequilla, in general anything with more than 30% especially homemade from anything (you know, you can make ethanol even from shit)
reminds me joke about us valachians. Tourist comes to valachia and ask sheppard "Hey sheppard, where do you make slivovitz there?" sheppards looks on him and point his finger to small church in middle of village "do you see this church ? Everywhere else then there"
That reminds me of some "travel europe" special I saw where the American host introduces the American audience to his Czech friend, who then proceeds to steal the show while extolling the virtues of czech beer. Sounds like you guys really love your beer.