LordRikerQ: I remember those sales, they were really good once but between Publishers slapping them around left and right and their Psychotic Staff, its just a hassle to deal with them if you'd even want to.
I might have to look into elemental, but I thought Demigod was a bad, bad game which put me off from stardock games but I did enjoy GalCiv 2 and Sins of a Solar Empire
Well... if you want to get technical Demigod was developed by Gas Powered Games, Sins was made by Ironclad, and only the GalCiv series, the political/corporate machine (And soon to be Elemental) were actually developed by Stardock. They just published all of the above.
With that in mind, I actually think Elemental is going to be worth it. I've never been disappointed by Stardock's 4x games. But if you don't want/need the special edition, or to be part of the beta. I'd wait for it to actually come out, or at least closer to release.