bobscraphouse: I am officially gutted at this news, as I really liked F3 was was looking forward to FN3.
I'm not a steam hater myself I just don't like its limitations (Some imposed by Steam, some imposed by my particular circumstances.)
My main gripes with Steam are:
* Activations - I just thing they are plain wrong. Its not right to treat all your customers as criminals.
* Online to patch/install - My internet connection is crap and capped to 3GB per month and as such my gaming PC is not connected to the Internet (This saves it from having to have Firewalls, anti-spam etc installed) and personally I'm just not interested in multi player so I really don't miss it.
I was not a fan of GFWL in F3 but at least that let me install/play the game without ever going online and the DLC was eventually released in a offline friendly DVD.
If they are going to use Steam fine, but why can they not use other methods for different retail channels? Why limit your selvs to one type of distribution technology?
E.g. The DVD could be released with a version of the game that does not require Steam (I don't care about steam achievements anyway)
They could release one on the D2D platform for people that want an Internet download version without Steam.
Oh well its there loss in the end and my �30 will either be saved or spent on something where I'm not treated as a criminal.
Oh just remember that d2d option you wanted for it to truly work it would need to be like GOG.Com ie: No DRM!