Pending votes; # Vote information is available in the OP
** Y Austrobogulator
** Y ErekoseDM
** Y GabiMoro
** Y Momo1991
Missing votes for : NOVOTNUS, TRID, TRIOCK *******************************************************************
# Minimum 6 people need to agree for a new Dogma
** N Austrobogulator
** N ErekoseDM
** N Momo1991
** N triock
** Y GabiMoro
# Every players gets a valid segment of code
** N triock
** Y Austrobogulator
** Y ErekoseDM
** Y GabiMoro
** Y Momo1991
Missing votes for : NOVOTNUS AND TRID ********************************
# when someone is voted out of the game, their code segment becomes public domain (as well as its validity).
** N ErekoseDM
** N GabiMoro
** N Momo1991
** N Novotnus
** N triock
** Y Austrobogulator
# Our Generous Host or a person chosen by him will force one of us to reveal his \ her part without revealing it's validity. Random draw should be fine.
** N Austrobogulator
** N ErekoseDM
** N GabiMoro
** N Momo1991
** N triock
** Y Novotnus
# Whoever knowingly breaks the rules and disobeys Dogmas must give a game chosen by him\herself to one player of his \ her choosing or leave it for ninjas in this topic (after 24 hours of dogma acceptance)
** N Austrobogulator
** N ErekoseDM
** N GabiMoro
** Y Momo1991
** Y Novotnus
** Y triock
Missing votes for : TRID See missing votes, please.
See missing votes, please.
Momo1991: And it appears nightrunner is also out - so 4 to 3 then?
Novotnus: Momo, just tell us.. do you already have the code completed and tease us for fun? : )
See missing votes, please.