Rohan15: Journalism as in you want to be a reporter or journalism as a school activity?
michaelleung: Journalism as in I pretend to know what I'm talking about, and I write about it.
MonstaMunch: Let's be specific here. It's not "muslims attacking jews" and vice versa, it's Palestinians attacking Israelis and visa versa.
The difference is, if the Palestinians would just stop the fight, where would they go? Israel has literally taken their entire nation. They have no land of their own, and therefore have no option but to fight or die as a nation.
Both sides claim that ownership of the land is their "god given right", though one might wonder why said god waited until the 60's to give it to Israel.
XmXFLUXmX: Jews also don't have any land to go to, if they stopped fighting, then the Muslims would surely destroy them. This is most certainly a Jew vs Muslim conflict. Basically, what this really comes down to as a non-Jew or a non-Muslim is who would you rather have occupy that land, Jews, who have at the very least, shown they are civilized, or Palestinians, who create and shelter Muslim terrorists, a people who also were leaping in joy and celebrating when the U.S. was attacked on 9/11.
So much wrong in this thread....