Gersen: Personally the thing that kind of annoy me is that : you have 5 guards in a small room.. you dispatch 4 of them... the remaining one won't care at all, he won't be alarmed, it won't wonder where the guys he was talking to just 10 seconds before disappeared, etc... It already bothered me in Deus Ex HR [...]. I would have preferred something where guards starts to freak out and become more alerted if they notice some of their comrades have suddenly vanished.
My thoughts exactly!
As much as I like Deus Ex Human Revolution that’s one of the gripes I have with the game. I wish it had something of the AI of Desperados (2001), where the guards actually noticed the absence of one of their buddies and where they got alarmed and called for help.
Also, the AI panicking in Batman Arkham Asylum was a really nice feature as it really added to the atmosphere of the game and gave me, as a player, the feeling that my actions had actually an effect on the game.
Now, all these comments stating that the AI in Dishonored isn’t any better just confirm my fears I had after watching all the different videos of the game; that the AI isn’t really a challenge in this game either. The stupid regenerative health system just adds to it.
That’s too bad because I think adding a challenging AI would not only add significantly to the atmosphere of such a game, it would also make it so much more rewarding for the player to eliminate his enemies and staying unseen all the time; or just staying unseen all the time. It would also have the player actually look for different routes and approaches to fulfill his goal. It’s all nice and neat that they are there (for example in such games like Deus Ex). But it never feels like that the player really has to find an alternative route. It’s just an option. I’d love to see a stealth game that actually makes it necessary for the player to think outside the box to fulfill his goals; where it’s not only an option but necessary in order to beat the game.
Well, but that’s now really off-topic. I don’t feel I miss out much now, though.