ggf162: This weekend, I game I had really wanted to play went on sale for an insanely low price. As you may have guessed, I basically insta-bought it. Turns out, I LOVE THIS GAME, and I really want to share it. So anyways, I'm giving away 2 copies of this amazing game sometime tomorrow evening.
RULES: No rep/join requirements, but I must ask that you don't be in for others. I don't really like it when that happens.
EDIT: This is a steam copy, although it is in fact DRM-free on steam.
I'm in, thank you very much!
I've heard a lot about it, the developers have been generous to forum members here (I remember them giving a bunch of copies away), and I enjoy tower defense games. It looks light a ton of fun, and I missed the steam sale from the other day.