lowyhong: "It's really like insightful, like we had a lot of discussion, like I don't know I guess Indians are like Hindus"
"It's like an African country in Asia"
LOL. /facepalm x 100000000000000000000000
I'm Christian, but even then, I have reservations about my...fellow peers and their actions. It's quite amazing that people can preach Jesus, then 5 minutes later start badmouthing about someone they dislike. Where's the love? It's pretentious and pathetic to think that you can sin all you want and get away with it by asking for forgiveness, which seems to be a large part of what a lot of Christians I know are doing. Fornication, backstabbing, hate...these seem to be predominant in most Christians I know. The "love" part only seems to be a facade, if it was ever there at all.
I've been reading David Gemmell's Jon Shannow novels recently. Although it's fiction, some of the text is worth thinking over. Shannow takes a gun, and kills a person only when he really deems it necessary. The Parson, on the other hand, has no qualms about sending an innocent man to his death, simply because the man calls his own god "Chronos". It reflects on one's interpretation of God's word, and more importantly, to what extent one would preach the necessary core values.
And Rohan, you're being consumed by your hormones again.
"Dear God, please protect me from Your followers. Amen."