Madmate: All should follow simple rules, and there would be no problem. Scammer can't hide join date and rep number, so
don't trade with unknown traders. And there is a seach in this thread, so everybody can check everybody. I always leave names of good traders in my post, and I never been scammed. Wakalo tried, but it was so stupid and lame, it is hard to fall for that.
Doesn't sound very fair to honest but new users that would like to join, I mean a new-unknown user-trader would never become an old-known user-trader if nobody trades with them, would they?
Sachys: Yeah thats suck and blow wakalo!
pretty obvious by the speech pattern alone!
snip He didn't even try to conceal the fact that it's him.
Sachys: snip actually wpegg setup a specific secure site for gog trades but nobody was interested if memory serves correctly.
snip Then maybe people just want to take the risk of being scammed? Or do they not trust wpegg enough?
I'm actually a bit disappointed that when a user is banned from the forum they can still freely PM other users - I'd expect that PM privileges are automatically being restricted to only GOG staffers in such cases.