teshra: Isn't Galactic Arms Race similar to DOTA in that pretty much free codes are all over the place, including a current bundle?
Pretty much but Galactic can be played solo if multiplayer never goes anywhere and is retail.
DOTA 2 was always meant to be free it's just that a lot of people had access to the game a year or two before it's public release date. If you're filthy rich and the first kid on the block I can see where handing over a $20 game for a DOTA 2 key six months back was no big loss for a good number of Steamers.
Last month everyone was dished out Showdown Beta keys, mistook them for the complete game, and were trying to swap them off for some pretty big cheese. I, myself, wound up purchasing a beta for $4 thinking it entitled me to the release and not realizing the key was temporary.
As a rule of thumb, freebees and bundle keys aren't really worth squat other than for swapping dupes for other freebees and bundle keys the old-fashioned baseball card way.