GameRager: (All things aside)......I got that bad rep because I acted in kind to others acting in kind but on the opposing side of said argument as I recall, and it's only my new poster status that got me the bad rep and no the opposing side...of course their HUGELY and insanely high rep couldn't be dented even by a million like me, so that might be why they're rep is still high,
but I digress here......I give my aplogy, but will not give up my opinions on certain posters here.....
although I will try to voice my opinions with a more taciturn and prudent tint to them.
Rep button can indeed be abused and maybe it's not a good things to have one, especially if it can be pressed by anyone with ill intention.
About who dissent with the way GoG handled their stunt and the things related, I think it's right that there is space even for them. Conseguences of their action must be faced, you can't only take the good things coming from it.
No one ever asked their head and for what I saw few posts are raging one.
Preventing other from being able to say what they think it's not good.
And anyway, if the community has splitted somehow it's not community fault.
You usually don't blame effect instead of cause.
About me I think that Gog is in a trial like they were when they started this all 2 years ago. I have to check if the service is worth and if can be trusted. Indeed what mined this 2 years of good work were them again.