Kurina: This kind of bias in gaming media is really starting to bug me. It still frustrates me people won't push Microsoft harder about the immense amount of hacked LIVE accounts, but gladly ripped Sony apart when their account data was compromised.
kavazovangel: The LIVE accounts weren't hacked, though. They were phished-into. If LIVE on XBOX gets hacked, so will Zune, MSDN, Office 365, Windows Live, and nearly every other service that Microsoft has, and it will be all over the news, at every tech site possible.
There hasn't been much discussion because the service hasn't been hacked into, just accounts that were using same credentials as with other services.
Microsoft is the one claiming it is a phishing attempt. Personally, I was not phished. At minimum, someone is social engineering information from them and Microsoft is falling for it. Whoever it is was able to make purchases on my LIVE account, whose login information doesn't match any other service I use, and my deleted credit card information was reinstated and used. The rep even acknowledge I had removed the card the previous year, but that didn't matter, it was still retrieved and used through them. I don't even own a damned Xbox, this was an old GFWL account of all things.
I honestly believe more is going on, but again, people accept the "users were phished" response and take Microsoft at their word. Others are blaming EA since the purchases are for FIFA games, but again, my account information is entirely different there (username, password, email).
The point being, nobody is investigating this further or questioning it, despite more and more people losing money and their accounts. The media only like to attack certain companies and often ignore serious issues with others. RPS is pretty much doing the same thing with EA right now.