lukaszthegreat: and then cut ati off.
when over 80% of games are using physx.
You see how your argument about physx is illogical now?
Navagon: It's highly improbable that would happen if AMD took over ATI support for PhysX. But then it's highly improbable that AMD would be interested in doing so. So it's all just speculation and subsequently not very purposeful.
Whatever the case, an open source solution might be the answer.
Have you asked yourself why Nvidia wants ati to make physx supported cards? Not from goodness of their heart, not for your or mine benefit.
There is only one reason
Ati, Nvidia, Intel, Valve. Their one and only one concern is money. You are kidding yourself thinking anything otherwise.
Nvidia belives that Ati support of Physx will bring them more money... I told you why. Greater market control, will make ATI dependable on Nvidia.
Valve is doing the same thing with steamworks. Making game dependent on steam gives them greater control over the computer game market. Some game became even steam exclusive... (non-valve games).
With Nvidia it is even more pronounce because they are public company. They have to answer to shareholders.
It is simple: AMD supports Nvidia's product, great probability that it becomes market standard. If that happens AMD graphics department is controlled by Nvidia. And that's a big no for AMD
Kabuto: Can you guys stop bickering over nothing and get back to helping the op? Just a thought.
but... but it is fun...
AFP already got his answer :) :)