bansama: I'd also like the ability to rate down reviews that are not helpful.
This seems like a great idea, but it might prevent negative reviews of fan-boy games (e.g. Fallout 1/2) from ever seeing the light of day, even if they present valid opinions.
Weclock: 3. one paragraph of text is not a suitable review.
5. Never assume the reader knows what you're talking about
I disagree with the general sentiment on this thread that only long game reviews should be allowed, primarily because I also disagree with point 5.
Not everyone who is looking to buy a game on GoG is an uninformed newbie who's never heard of the game.
For example, as someone familiar with the Descent series, single-paragraph reviews which compare Descent 3 to D2 are more valuable to me than the essays required to meet the criteria suggested in this thread.
The ratings system should help to balance out the different opinions, insofar as good, comprehensive reviews get good ratings. Perhaps one day they could expand this to include feature reviewers as well as feature reviews.
Weclock: I really, wholeheartedly disagree with statistics. the ratings steam shows, has like a 65 for CS:CZ, and I've played the game and it's actually quite solid, it's more than just a model/texture update, I'd rather see an actual review than a number.
Have you tried the "read critic reviews" button just underneath it? The metacritic system is brilliant, and I think the rating reflects the general opinion of the game quite well.
Looking at the
full metacritic rundown, a few reviewers shared your opinion and really liked the game. A majority, however, were underwhelmed.