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GameRager: Steam games don't usually get optimised for new OSs
Yeah that's the only caveat there, though it's not like GoG "optimizes" them, they just make them run in case they don't... I'd see the lack of DRM as a much bigger advantage to GoG than any supposed optimization. And still, even with DRM, I'm paying 1.5 times the price here and getting five games rather than just one.
GameRager: Steam games don't usually get optimised for new OSs
And how exactly was POP optimized for new OSes?

EDIT: Or most other non-dosbox games... From those I've tested, they do not differ from the retail package, some even come with more crap than retail.
Post edited July 23, 2011 by KavazovAngel
GameRager: Steam games don't usually get optimised for new OSs
Tizzysawr: Yeah that's the only caveat there, though it's not like GoG "optimizes" them, they just make them run in case they don't... I'd see the lack of DRM as a much bigger advantage to GoG than any supposed optimization. And still, even with DRM, I'm paying 1.5 times the price here and getting five games rather than just one.
Plus the installers. Install anywhere/etc.
GameRager: Steam games don't usually get optimised for new OSs
KavazovAngel: And how exactly was POP optimized for new OSes?

EDIT: Or most other non-dosbox games... From those I've tested, they do not differ from the retail package, some even come with more crap than retail.
Sometimes they work some code mojo albeit without the sourcecode.....sometimes using the worm of my piratey brethren I would assume. And I was talking more in general of how Gog is better than Steam. ;)
Post edited July 23, 2011 by GameRager
GameRager: Sometimes they work some code mojo albeit without the sourcecode.....sometimes using the worm of my piratey brethren I would assume. And I was talking more in general of how Gog is better than Steam. ;)
Depends on the game, really. For old titles, probably, but for newer (titles that work out of the box with new OSes) titles, I doubt one is better than the other, if we exclude the non-DRM-ed package, worldwide fair price, and similar stuff.

Basically, again this is for newer titles, the package is the same with the exception that you need to remove the DRM from the Steam distributed version yourself.
Post edited July 23, 2011 by KavazovAngel
Several games in GOG's library are worth the $9.99 asking price.
Many times, the $9.99 games also include their expansions, sometimes two of them, or are pretty recent and haven't seen their price drop that much. Sometimes, the price is not justified, but it's not always something GOG has a hand on.
I appreciate the feedback I see on this site. I think I can understand the main points of games being 9.99. If there are some expansions included, that's nice. Also I do see the main point, is the time to make the game compatible with the current OS is something I really applaud this time for. We should be grateful someone is taking a role bringing back good old games back in the days!
Tizzysawr: Not a bad price by all means... Until I tell you that I got Prince of Persia, Sands of Time, Forgotten Sands, Two Thrones and Warrior Within all for $15 just two weeks ago during the steam summer sale. Just then, the $10 for Sands of Time suddenly become much less of a good deal :P
Yeah, and I bought Age of empires 3 for 1 eurocent in a sale (according to the gfwl twitter at the time the price wasn't a mistake) a while ago. Does that mean any price above that is a bad deal? No it doesn't. Don't compare sale prices to regular prices.
It's all subjective.

To me, DRM-free is a huge plus. Almost enough to justify an extra $3.00-$5.00 a pop right there.

Plus, GOG includes lots of extras all the time.

Plus, a large amount of games on GOG are simply worth it. Come on, Baldur's Gate 2 + expansion for 9.99? That's like 2 cents per hour enjoyed!

Finally, the GOG community is hands down the coolest one in gaming. Period! Have you ever seen more fun, interesting, generous and helpful gamers anywhere? I haven't.
Post edited July 24, 2011 by stoicsentry
I think games should be compared by quality rather than age. Taking this as a criteria together with gog’s discount policy - games on gog are underpriced.
Post edited July 24, 2011 by tburger
I will admit that with the 6usd games I just buy whatever I want but with the 10usd games I usually wait for a sale. There are some games (like all the Infinity engine games) I got when they released them here on GoG but usually the 10usd are too much for an impulse buy. In these harsh financial times most people are a bit put off by spending too much on anything so I think GoG sales are a good way to get people to get some good games that doesn't break the bank.
I'd pay $9.99 if it's a classic especially for all the extras GoG put in and the fact the games are DRM free.

I'd take these classics over the shite pretty soul-less games that have been released over the last 5 years or so costing a hell of a lot more.
I don't think that $9.99 is steep for a game at all, especially for those of the quality that we get here on GoG. However, I think the determining factor for many people here really is their backlog. Why pay 10 bucks for another game now if you've still got those 10 others to finish off? With a few exceptions, it's not going to go anywhere.
Of course you tend to get them when they go on sale, since on sale they literally cost less than a pint of lager in my area. Since I've never regretted buying the latter and I get far more lasting value out of the former, it's a no-brainer decision.
There are plenty of $10 games that should be cheaper. For instance, the Unreal games are each priced the same as the Anthology which includes all four games on GOG. So that's actualy 4 times too high a price.

Ubisoft games are frequently overpriced. But then they've also got the 6 pack of M&Ms which is exceptionally good value.

Games like most of the D&D games, Longest Journey and King's Bounty are all worth the $10 easily.
Packs are not a 9.99 exclusive. For a six-dollar bill you can get 3 Alone in the Darks or two Betrayals at.., or Robinson's Requiem + Deus, or 4 Ishar games, or 2 Lords of the Realm, 3 Goblins, or five Zorks + Planetfall or... There's more, but you get the idea.