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600+ games discounted by at least 50%, bundle deals up to 80% off, daily personal deals!

It is here: 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale on! The biggest, the loudest, the most varied, and the most exciting sale we've ever done begins now. How big is it? There are way over 600 games from our catalog steadily discounted by at least 50%. How loud is it? Let's just mention the fact, that we're opening with a triple nuclear blast, giving away Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE the next 48 hours. How varied is it? On top of regular discounts you'll have daily deals including games presented by YouTube personalities, hot thematic bundles chosen each day by our dear users, offered with up to 80% discounts, and--finally--daily personal deals where you pick one of the special offers available to you, and you only. How exciting is it? Well, you probably get the idea by now. So, there you have it: time to save BIG on the best games in history, available DRM-free for Windows and Mac.

This holiday season, your Winter Sale experience include the company of Jesse Cox, Force Strategy Gaming, Dodger from Press Heart to Continue, and the YogsCast team. Each day we mash-up a classic game (or games) with it's modern successors and offer them with high discounts, while our tube-casting friends explain why they consider such a blend interesting and worth playing.

2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Video Recommendations playlist

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases on are now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, so your holiday gaming shopping spree is safer than it ever was before.

Worldwide Money Back Guarantee announcement video

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT. Happy holidays from team, everyone! And again, sorry for the server issues in the initial hours of our sale.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by G-Doc
ne_zavarj: What bundles lost in the community vote ?
mondo84 posted them yesterday here:

edit: heh, ninja'd by seconds
Post edited December 28, 2013 by chean
ne_zavarj: What bundles lost in the community vote ?

mondo84 is the best :D
Are you guys sure about the promo of those bundles ? Because i see some games in there that i would like to purchase . Should i wait or buy now ?
ne_zavarj: Are you guys sure about the promo of those bundles ? Because i see some games in there that i would like to purchase . Should i wait or buy now ?
Well, I'm not sure about it, I've seen several posts here, a few articles around the Internet and that's it. If you don't want to have those games right now I would suggest waiting. They will get a discount again. Sooner or later.
Ghorpm: Well, I'm not sure about it, I've seen several posts here, a few articles around the Internet and that's it. If you don't want to have those games right now I would suggest waiting. They will get a discount again. Sooner or later.
Checked the bundles .

from The Creepy Crate

Shadow Man
Penumbra Collection

from Memorable Dungeons

Wizardry 6+7
Wizardry 8

from Settlers Pack Supreme

The Settlers 4: Gold Edition
The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary

from Brave New Lands

Etherlords 2

from Cinematic Adventures

Runaway: A Road Adventure
Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle
Jack Keane
Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within

from Historic Strategy

Great Battles Collector's Edition

from Indie Platformers

Giana Sisters: Rise of the Owlverlord
Your explanation of how an optional gaming client would work makes it seem worth the effort.
I guess we'll see what they end up doing, hopefully whatever it is means more goodies here.

And I also guess today is the day to grab stuff from the sale. Goodbye wallet!
ne_zavarj: snip
The question is: do you own all the rest games from those bundles? Because I'm fairly sure it'll be "higher discount only if you get everything", just like we have now with recommended deals.

Alternatively, you can always try to find somebody who owns the entire bundle (he/she can get indvidual games with higher discount as a gift order) and trade with him/her.
Ghorpm: The question is: do you own all the rest games from those bundles? Because I'm fairly sure it'll be "higher discount only if you get everything", just like we have now with recommended deals.
I don't .
Ghorpm: Alternatively, you can always try to find somebody who owns the entire bundle (he/she can get indvidual games with higher discount as a gift order) and trade with him/her.
I'm also looking for a trade partner (shameless self-advertising, hue). Damn community deals!
Here's what I picked up over the last month from various sales on GOG from most recent to oldest, including a gift:

Castles + Castles 2
Stronghold Crusader HD
Stronghold HD
Wing Commander: Armada
Wing Commander: Academy
Privateer 2: The Darkening
Port Royale 2
Port Royale
Patrician 1+2
Corsairs Gold
BloodRayne (gift)
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition
Fallout Tactics (freebie promo)
Fallout 2 (freebie promo)
Fallout (freebie promo)

Quite a lot less purchases than I made last year. I did several orders last year one of which was for 57 games! I think that was on the Mayan end of the world day as I figured "what have I got to lose, we're all dead tomorrow anyway". ;oP

ATTENTION GOG: I think that we can draw something from this experience. People buy more games when they think the world is coming to an end. It's just an idea for your marketing department, but you might want to have them surf the net and catalogue all prophecies and predictions about the world coming to an end because the ancient <insert culture here> smoked some peyote or whatever and had a vision (yeah, no doubt!). I did some googling before and there is an end of the world prediction for every single year from 2000 through 2100, so you should be able to have at least one end of the world sale every year! Well, that is ... until one of the predictions comes true, but then it wont matter afterward anyway! You could hire someone like Alex Jones to do the leg work perhaps! Anyhow, just an idea!
Post edited December 28, 2013 by skeletonbow
nijuu: yep saw that yesterday as well. Wonder if its correct or something lost in translation?
It's correct. Google translator did a surprising good job there. "Major changes on the website" and "several groundbreaking projects" is exactly what the german article is talking about. Only the last part (more precisely in every detail is one in this respect but not yet.) is a bit messed up. It simply means that there are no further details yet.
Funny. I grabbed WC5 in the 66% off promo. And now I won't complete the WC bundle, because I have next to no interest in 3 of the 4 games I'm missing from it. If It were a 3/5 ratio I'd go for it.
Well, that was a bountiful sale as far as I'm concerned. I've filled twelve shelves, and probably will fill a couple more if the losing bundles do come out in a couple of days. Overall, I'm quite happy with this sale ^^ (even though my wallet isn't). I do believe I now have enough gaming entertainment on GOG to last me for a few years. :D

Ending the sale on a Sunday kind of makes sense I think, if they are planning a new game release on Monday. :)
grviper: Funny. I grabbed WC5 in the 66% off promo. And now I won't complete the WC bundle, because I have next to no interest in 3 of the 4 games I'm missing from it. If It were a 3/5 ratio I'd go for it.
Which one are you missing that you want? I own all of them already and can grab it for you at 75% off.
grviper: Funny. I grabbed WC5 in the 66% off promo. And now I won't complete the WC bundle, because I have next to no interest in 3 of the 4 games I'm missing from it. If It were a 3/5 ratio I'd go for it.
Gonchi: Which one are you missing that you want? I own all of them already and can grab it for you at 75% off.
Naaah, it can wait for another year. I'm really well stocked with stuff to play for now.
smoother: You can remove games from the bundle (checkout). Don't you know? You still get the better deal (cheaper prices).
IanM: you only get the cheaper prices if you already own the games you remove?!
WIth the all-in bundles, games you own on always count towards completing the bundle so you never ever have to repurchase a game you already bought on GOG in order to get a full discount in a promo. So you just buy the games you don't own already and you get the full promo discount.

The problems some people have with that is that sometimes you simply do not want all of the games that are in the bundle that you would need to buy in order to get the bigger discount. Sometimes that is a concern and other times it doesn't matter because if you choose just the games you want you lose the larger promo discount (say 80% off) and end up with just the smaller discount (50% perhaps) and the total price you would end up paying for the games you actually want might be something like say... $12, however if you buy ALL of the games in the bundle that you don't own including the ones you don't even want - the 80% discount might end up causing the entire purchase of all games to be $9 or $10 or something lower than if you just bought the games you wanted.

So the way I look at it is this - For the games I actually want, what is the price I pay if I just buy them alone, and what is the price I pay altogether for a bundle of games which include the games I want plus ones I don't. I treat the entire price as the price of the games I want, and the other games as freebies that I don't care about. So if the 2 games I want are $12, and the entire bundle of say 4 games is $10, then if I buy just the 2 games I want, I'm paying $6 each for them, while if I buy the 4 game bundle, the 2 games I want are $5 each with 2 free games thrown in. The bundle deal is monetarily more sensible. If GOG will let you break up the bundle into codes for each game as some have suggested, then I could end up with 2 games that are giftable or tradeable.

But, like others... I have ended up wanting only one or two games in a bundle that was a larger bundle, and would have had to buy maybe 4-6 or more games I don't want to get the larger discount and the above math simply doesn't work out in a way I can logically justify the purchase. My choice then is to buy just the games I want at a higher price (likely one beyond what I really want to pay), to buy the whole bundle and end up with games I don't really want and have to get the bundle broken up and trade, or to pass on the promo and wait for a more flexible promo in the future. I usually choose option #3 in that case. :)

Sadly, some of the games I would have preferred to buy from which have come up in such bundle promos in a way that didn't work for me, ended up going on sale individually on Steam/Shinyloot/Greenman or elsewhere for 75-90% off single game purchase without bundling, or have showed up in one of the various bundle site's bundles for super cheap along with half a dozen or more games. I got the Still Life 1 & 2 and Syberia 1 & 2 games via one of these bundles for Steam plus several other games for like $4 months ago even though I had been waiting for a good deal on GOG, because I ended up with all 4 games for the price of one or one and a half of them on a GOG promo. ;/ Of course the benefit of getting it on GOG for a slightly higher price is that it's DRM-free and comes with the varous extras and fantastic support etc. while the benefit of getting it on bundlestars or humble or wherever it was, is that it was super crazy ass cheap, and these games are the type of game I'll play through once and then they're "done".

Now... if GOG would just put Post Mortem on sale for $2.49 or less... ;)