QWEEDDYZ: This game is restored, so now your tol should show correct price. But there is more games that been removed and store links partially removed (there is direct link but not shown in search like Killing Time and BloodRayne).
Im far away from PC. As i remeber it did show me Fairy Tale correctly. Game restored after all. If not - its issue. I ask about how it read games availability. Some are 'Temporary Unavailable', and some unlistedbut still there in some web api.
My program downloads a comma separated file that provides a list of games and their prices currently at ZOOM Platform.
I have just run CHECK again, and Fairy Tale is still showing as $0.00. I haven't yet investigated to see if an error or something in the file is causing my program to misread the price for that game, and who knows how many others. I guess I should check to see if something untoward with the download may be happening, though I would have thought I coded an alert for that.
My program does not automatically remove games from the list that are no longer available, it does however color each entry where that is the case, and another option can remove them. It won't provide a list of removed games from before you started using my program, only those that have been removed since.
For quite a while now, most of the new additions are games that GOG already provide, or they are not really new games, just games (DLCs mostly) that have been renamed ... some because they had DLC added to the title. I might have bought some of these, but ironically I already had them at GOG.
P.S. Just checked both the other games you mentioned, and all four web pages still exist for me with prices, one free.