Everyone who's anyone has a standard contract.
I worked for the govt, I wrote them myself. If a company didn't accept, we told them to GTFO. Usually, we'd order a service, and the company would send us their contract, and I'd mail them my version and write back, "No, you sign THIS or ELSE." Or we'd set up an auction: accept the contract to make a bid. Then, at conclusion, most of them would typically use their own numbering scheme, and, again, I would change the # to one of ours and dare them to change it back.
Now, of course Blow too has a lawyer who's written up a contract for him and convinced him that it's the one true way to distribute games and everyone who suggests changes is out to scam him. That's what lawyers do. Blow would be an idiot if he went forward with a contract which
wasn't, in his opinion, the bestest evar, not to mention if he didn't have a contract at all.
(And people, if you're thinking of distributing your game, even for free, even one you worked on all alone -- the person-hour cost of development is not zero, so unless you don't value yourself at all, hire a fucking lawyer.)
I'm no fan of Blow (Braid is mediocre, The Witness couldn't possibly be better than DROD 5, and his worshipers make me actively resent him) but I don't think he's behaving unprofessionally. People are allowed to post their impressions. People are also allowed to decline deals they don't like. If the local censorship bureau tried to hire me to e.g. bounty-hunt torrent uploaders, you bet I'd disclose the shit out of it, and possibly mail them a butt plug.
What Blow doesn't get is that, in companies, people who are tasked with mailing out proposals can't decide shit. I work for a law firm now and I had to pay for web hosting recently. The CEO noticed the payment details (like, account number) had changed and made me
renegotiate the contract. Doing otherwise would've been "betraying the company's interests". Yes, this is absolutely batshit. The correct procedure is that they send us a notice (like they did!) and we pay them and that's it. Because I'm a programmer with custserv experience, I said exactly that to their custserv, as my conscience directed me. But there wasn't a way for me to push the payment through without causing them unprofessional PITA in
some way.
Yes, negotiating a contract is way more boring than developing the game. Think [whatever] is more pain than it'd bring in in revenue and associated benefits? The rational decision is to not do it. Honestly, I wish people appreciated their time more. (If only I could convince the kids to stop clicking on ads for phone credit.)
No, the reason we're having this thread bumped is that certain people just wouldn't stop stirring up drama. Imagine someone follows you around and keeps saying, "Hey, do you know Jack called you an asshole? It's true, I have screenshots! No, seriously, in 1986, Jack posted 'Bob is an asshole' on Usenet. How does it make you feel? Do you agree you're an asshole? Do you think Jack is an asshole? Should I tell him you said that? Defaults to yes." Fuck this noise. Like the game? Go buy it. Want it DRM-free but you're in a third-world country? Go buy it on Steam and download the DRM-free installer from a third party. Don't like the game and hate the hype? Start a thræd about
crap criticism and cliquism is gaming media.
This thread is pointless.