Mrstarker: The part that I quoted was about what happens after the owners are tracked down, though. At the very least, GOG has a legal department and they do negotiate individual deals. To assume that this is a special case for old games only is a bit far fetched, don't you think? And as far as crack smoking goes, I'm not the one making confident claims here about how GOG operates.
Also, I don't simply mean to suggest that there are millions of dollars at play in every single deal that GOG makes. But they certainly seem to be making enough money that hiring a lawyer at 600$ per hour doesn't seem to be out of their reach. For me it simply doesn't make sense to negotiate deals with corporations like Disney without the presence of a lawyer.
They are only talking about old games...
"At this moment we have the catalogue of almost 400 classic PC games from such publishers like Electronic Arts, Activision, Interplay, Ubisoft and more."
"What do you look for in a title when deciding whether or not to sell it through GOG?
The easy answer is that the game has to reflect our website’s name: Good Old Games. So we have some base rules for the games to be old enough and good enough considering the average score from reviews."
Right, so you are quoting what the process was to negotiate with EA, Activision, Interplay, Ubisoft, yes Disney. A process that involved old games and complicated royalty situations based on old box copy contracts. Companies with worldwide regional contracts.
Now, in your infinite wisdom you are trying to say that this process takes this long for one developer owning one game. And that's a load of crap.
You can go to the "Indie" page here which used to be more concrete. It used to specifically state the cut was 70/30 but they'd might be willing to give an advance in which case GoG will take a higher percentage until the advance was paid off. If you really think the load of shovelware on Steam involves a lawyer every step of the way, you watch too much tv. And like I said, even back in the day, with EA, Activision, that guy did the negotiation and after the terms were agreed upon, THEN it was sent to the legal departments. No one has a lawyer with them 24/7.
catpower1980: OK thanks, I tought he wrote that recently ;)
Try this one recently.... And this series of Tweets this year... And then this later response that doesn't sound very convincing...