hedwards: In one case the action is wrong, and the trolls win. In the other case the action is correct and you've just fed the troll.
phaolo: Nah, the troll is fed only when he wins.
That's why that discussion was funny XD
You're an idiot if you think that. Every time there is a thread like this, a thread accusing somebody of scamming, a thread announcing the most recent episode in the continued saga of trolls or somebody shut out over questionable accusations of being an alt for NES, the trolls are fed.
Are you seriously so ignorant of the ways of the internet that you can't comprehend that? Jesus H. Christ, it's like I'm dealing with the mentally enfeebled here. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to put up with a forum that's full of this garbage posting.
hedwards: I'd like to see some actual proof that the accusations and witch-hunting have actually brought some sort of positive change to the forum.
phaolo: What do you expect, stats and identikits as proofs? Get real..
At least we're doing something, contrary to you.
The most positive change is that people are more aware of the scammers when trading or doing GAs.
My point there is that if you can't point to some actual evidence then you have absolutely no right to pretend like this serves any other purpose than letting a few selfish individuals think like they're doing something. It's sure as hell not stopping the trolling, scamming and cheating in contests.
This is the fucking internet. Every forum has trolls and ever time you make a trade there's a possibility of being scammed. That's why sites like eBay have rules in place and guidelines to help reduce the likelihood. Anybody who comes here and doesn't know that it's possible to get scammed is a fool.
P1na: it's not all newcomers right? Only newcomers who exclusively focus on giveway entering and such things. That does make sense to me.
phaolo: Exactly.
And we don't even consider them alts immediately, without some clue.
Certaily we are more wary now.
Which is always possible because there are no standards. Read through those scammer lists and it's about 90% he said-she said with a bit of squinty eyed readings to round out the balance. There's no quality control and there's no reason why anybody should have any faith that the list is even accurate.
hedwards: The problem is that it's not just a matter of excluding newbs, it's labeling them as scammers by virtue of not having a high rep count and being here for a period of time.
I think most newbs would understand if they have to build up a bit of a reputation before they get access to things like that. But, it's really, really hard to build up a reputation and get the rep points needed to participate if people are accusing folks of being scammers and downrepping them.
pimpmonkey2382.313: You can pretty much tell which newbs are the scammers, they only hang out most frequently in the giveaway or other free shit threads.
I agree that the folks that just hang out there are probably not the sort of people that we want to encourage to be members here. But, I'm not sure you can generalize leeches to being scammers like that.