ChrisGamer300: I agree, i really hope it's something interesting because it's been a while since it's been anything of note for me atleast and unfortunately i don't care for DA2, Crysis 2, Dead Space 2, Far Cry 3 and AC2 at all either so it may be a while.
Andrey82: Which games do you want to see here? What games you consider interesting?
Interesting i don't know about but fun ?
Games i know won't come anytime soon but hopefully some day, Trails of Cold Steel 3 and later when released 4 but unfortunately they seem to be only on console right now, No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, Max Payne 1 and 2, Warhammer Dawn of War and Expacs ( first game only), Hitman Blood Money, Dark Souls not a top pick but fun enough, I want the early blizzard games but good luck and many others.
There's also several upcoming games i hope for but there's no reason to hope for it now.